The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

I made this change in the last few days and am better off for it. I didn’t watch the SOTU. I didn’t watch his speech yesterday. It currently serves no purpose to subject myself to his bullshit when we know exactly what it is going to be.

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Same… I scroll past all his BS now and have not watched any MS News shows since the vote last Friday.

It’s been a blessing in disguise… :grin:

So impeach on this with the line ‘last time you acussed us of not waiting for the courts. This time they ruled and said in not so many words you have to impeach him’.

“The Members filed their complaint in June, 2017.”

Great system. Fuck off, law.


Lol. Pelosi got the first vote ever from a US senator to convict a president from his own party. And it was a former nominee for president. All the other charges you add wouldn’t even get all the dems on board(assuming they even got past the house) and potentially given Romney enough cover to vote no on all of them on the saying they’re just impeaching on policy disagreements. Pelosi/Schiff get As in my book. Thy will keep the house and increased the chances of gaining the senate.


The Orange Rule is this: when evaluating a thing, consider whether this thing causes any discomfort whatsoever to Donald J. Trump. If the answer is “Yes, this thing causes Donald J. Trump some discomfort,” then this thing is a good thing.

So keep impeaching him imo. Every day and twice on Sundays. At this point it’s just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic anwyay. WAAWATF.


BREAKING: Votes shift to Trump as leak shows meteor has deep ties to DNC

“No one told me the meteor was a democrat!”

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I agree here. The Ukraine scandal gained immediate traction and enabled them to expose Trump and most of the GOP.

Romney voting to convict was a delightful surprise. I expected he would get zero votes from his own party.

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Moderates for Meteor Strikes

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BREAKING: In wake of meteor strike, each candidate insists burned husks of votes showed they won

Definitely on drugs

Of course he would, b/c the rallies and adoration from the lemmings are the only thing he cares about.

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( twitter | raw text )

Look at big boy Daniel Dale bragging about his job security


Given Iowa and acquittal I’m starting to think the smart money is on Trump re-election.

Even without that

They need to cheat in 3 states to win.

It’s already over.

While this would be appealing emotionally it would be electoral suicide.

Slurred words followed immediately by Jeff-and-Larry-hand-motion-indicating-a-large-vagina coming to a town near you