The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances
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Hope he follows through with his threat.

A lot of the “damage” that the impeachment did (and honestly I don’t believe it was damaging, it’s closer to 50/50) rests squarely on pelosi’s incompetent shoulders. In the future history books, I think she will go down as a villain. Sheer incompetence and FPS the whole way. They impeached for the wrong thing.

Like, why didnt they impeach on emoluments or on kids in cages you might ask. Because they’re all fucking guilty of the same shit, and kids in cages don’t really bother them that much. It’s really that simple.

Vote them all out.

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Can you expand more on why you think impeaching for something else would’ve mattered?

It’s been expanded on upthread better than I can.

But really, it’s because the ukraine shit was BORING. Even I couldnt tune in or bring myself to care about it. It’s trump being trump to the low info voter.

Must’ve missed it, thanks.
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God I fucking HATE this man

That’s what he/they want. They thrive off of it. The best play is to ignore the narcissist. I find that I am much, much, much happier for not following his tweets anymore or putting too much weight on the insane shit he does. This won’t last forever (although it feels like it)


That’s the kind of accelerationism that I’m here for


I’m tapping out, bot’s on ignore


Narrator: He still won.

A federal appeals court has rejected a lawsuit from Congressional Democrats who accused President Donald Trump of violating the Constitution by receiving profits from foreign governments’ spending at his luxury Washington hotel and other businesses.

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals decision did not address the legality of Trump’s business dealings, but held that the more than 200 Democratic senators and House members who banded together in 2017 to bring the suit against the president lacked legal standing to do so.

The unanimous ruling from an ideologically diverse three-judge panel suggested that if the House or Senate had formally authorized the suit, it may have been allowed to proceed, but the lawmakers acting as plaintiffs in the case did not have standing to pursue it on their own.

“Only an institution can assert an institutional injury,” the court wrote in its brief, 12-page decision.

The bolded is lawbro for “You have to impeach him for it, dumbasses” right?


State mottos obviously mean something to these people, respect.


Alough I was 1 of the peeps that wanted more impeachment articles, it was for selfish reasons by getting his tax returns on show, as I think that moves the needle…

Alough not enough imo for him to get removed, as they have too much to lose this year will be worse than 2016 and the UK general election of 2019 imo.

I’m honestly waiting on the tweet to say ALL voting stations will be secured by Ice or CBP.