The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

This creates a good opportunity for reporter to ask Trump what he learned from this process, because you know that motherfucker ain’t going to say he learned from his mistakes and will not abuse his power in the future.



I do not yield


High IQ move.

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( twitter | raw text )

You could just say “lots of people are basically mental chameleons.” It isn’t isolated to women.


“Dishonorable” is a surprisingly strong word there by Maxine. Against somebody capable of shame, it might even sting a little.

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She’s been swinging for a while.

Resist Trump

Maybe she’s fed up.

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Dudes like that are parrots. It’s very rare they do what his sis did literally go from anti trump to total wtf on the other side as easily as flipping a light switch versus just keep parroting whatever.

I do appreciate that you didn’t insist that remark was sexist at least.

Welp, one of the most racist bigots ever to walk the planet received the medal of freedom tonight. And orange shitstain is doing nothing but grandstand for applause and ovations by spewing nothing but lies.

he needs to secure the “insanely partisan republican” vote


She might want to explain the concept of representing all people to Florida Man.

“Do your job!” says lady who quit as UN Ambassador to become a TV commentator.

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Wow, tough decision on who said the absolute dumbest thing today between Susan Collins and Nikki Haley. Let’s give them both the prize (a one-way rocket trip to the sun).

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Not attending would have been so easy. All you have to do is say that you can’t justify sitting for the SOTU with a President under impeachment.

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Yeah that post from wheatrich bothered me earlier, and I got distracted and didn’t respond. There’s no need to say that lots of women are mental chameleons and ignore that lots of men are, too.

You see it from men in discussions of politics, sports, dating… anywhere there’s a lot of emotion.

For the people wisely ignoring the SOTU entirely, including not reading that thread: