The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

From the most treasured source of right-wing news: Youtube.

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Buttgieg did really well there.

I never quite understood it, but that’s what I heard was the evolution of the subreddit The_Donald. It started off as a bunch of pepe memes making fun of Trump, but at some point, it attracted a bunch of people who found Trump’s most horrific quotes to be inspirational.

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Hey Susan, @microbet has a bridge for sale. You should check it out.

I tried watching her final remarks in the impeachment coverage, but my soul has nothing left to give

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Everytime I switched it over earlier I had to immediately turn it off, its so maddening :disappointed:

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I was actually wondering about this about 3 min before I stumbled across this post. Why would any Dem attend tonight? Who cares about norms or whatever, just don’t go.


Yup… Was thinking the same, make it a no-show for all Dems except Pelosi I suppose

YoU :clap: hAvE :clap: tO :clap: rEsPeCt :clap: ThE :clap: oFfIcE :clap: oF :clap: tHe :clap: PrEsIdEnT :clap: oF :clap: tHe :clap: UnItEd :clap: StAtEs!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:

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I mean, geez, you’d think the Republicans stood up and yelled “YOU LIE!” at Obama or something during one of these… but no, they didn’t do that, because they respect the office of the President of the United States far too much as true patriots. Thus, in order to try to be seen as equally patriotic lovers of USA #1, all of the Democratic members of Congress must sit politely and applaud when the rightfully elected (in totally free and fair elections with no foreign interference whatsoever) President Donald J. Trump says good things about the State of the Union of the United States of America.


Listen, cuse, you can talk about foreign interference until you’re blue in the face, but one day you’re gonna have to come down from your ivory tower and face facts. Impeachment would only serve to overturn the will of the American people.The people voted for Trump by an overwhelming -3,000,000, and you have to respect that.


Rush gets a Medal of Freedom. 'Merica.
( twitter | raw text )

Jfc fuck off

I honestly can’t tell whether you are reporting something that just happened or just being sarcastic. That’s the state of things.