The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

I agree that we should be tolerant of different ideas generally. For established members we should also tolerate some bad behavior (ad hominem and even posting in bad faith), but someone with a few posts is a guest. Maybe if they disagree with everyone and they take it in good form, even if they get abused, then after a while they’ll be cut the same slack, but not until we have some idea who they are.

I wouldn’t be shocked if I could go onto a conservative forum and argue as long as I’m being reasonable and respecting the people there, but I wouldn’t expect to be able to go on there and be an asshole after a week or two.


I mean on /r/conservative and The_Donald you will get banned for saying anything against Trump no matter how nice you are. I was banned from both, both times politely trying to point out why I thought Trump doing something was bad. Hell they even ban long time Trump supporting posters for any dissent.

Also on Rogans new forum its pretty much the same. Calling out racism is a pretty quick ban.

So at least with my experience any dissent is a ban. But obv small sample and I’m sure there are plenty of conservative forums that aren’t like that, but I think in general leftist forums are more tolerant as long as you aren’t being a disgusting person and I think thats a good thing.

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Was this dude an h&f fixture too? I may have been hit with a coolstarrybra.gif by him.

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The dictionary is very clear on the definition of terrorist.

terrorist \ ˈter-ər-ist \ noun. pl. -ists. A non-white person with political or military objectives, especially of Islamic faith; It’s absolutely fact that the Muslim terrorist Obama gave the general Salami amnesty during the 2015 Iran deal.


Peak Thremp was his 200 post argument with El D about steak. He kept insisting filet is more flavorful than ribeye, El D kept dunking on him.

I think that’s ultimately why I like him. I also prefer filet ducks

Didn’t he go broke betting sports?

If so I missed it! Link!?!

Lol Thremp was not a world class sports bettor.

No issue with dissenting opinions. There’s tons of room for it. But when that dissenter expresses them by insulting people while consistently being proven factually wrong by others, you’re not a dissenter worthy of being engaged. You’re a troll.

No idea where it is, have a vague memory he talked about being busto once. As brons said, in any case he always seemed pretty clueless and was more like an expert at correcting bad suggestions about how to beat sports. One of the weird things about sportsbetting is that nobody ever talks about actually good ideas, so you can’t really distinguish between people who know how to win and people who know how to break even. Like 100,000 posts yelling at people for being wrong is a pretty good indication you’re the latter, though.

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Yeah, he was maybe a little above average for 2+2 sports bettors, which is a different galaxy from world class.

How do you think Republican voters and Fox News would have reacted if Obama tweeted in Persian… twice?

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PSA: That’s not Arabic. It’s Persian (the official language of Iran).


My bad, egg on my face for making a dumb assumption while trying to peg right wingers as the ignorant ones. Thanks for the correction.

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That picture isn’t going to age well and that dude is going to live to regret it. He looks late 40’s early 50’s.
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