The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Maybe if their messaging was better they would have achieved more of their goals.

Big difference between Ballistic Missiles fired from Iran and unguided rockets fired by their proxies. Big big difference.

B+. To get any kind of A you get a coal miner with black lung they are screwing to cry for the cameras.

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Maybe, sure. That wasn’t my point.

My point was that BLM’s goals are simply not the same as the Donkey’s goals. Different goals call for different tactics, including, among others, different messaging tactics.

Look at it the other way.

BLM wouldn’t enjoy any successful at all if they choose to use a tactic of messaging like they were just another herd of Donkeys.

doesn’t ballistic mean the same thing as unguided? i.e., after launch it follows a ballistic trajectory

If you think what they achieved came from the name rather than vast amounts of pent up rage from being abused by the cops I don’t know what to tell you. I disagree. If anything I think their name could of and probably should have been more anti cop. Poor whites don’t like cops either. I’m still scared of them and I’ve been exactly who they protect and serve for almost a decade.

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Those videos are lit :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire_engine:

It does mean that it follows a ballistic trajectory, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t guided during portions of the flight. For example, ICBMs reposition themselves at the top of their arc before beginning the ballistic descent.

I can’t stop laughing at Rand Paul’s expression. Had to add the audio you all expect :+1:


Dude, it would really help if you knew some history…

In 2013, three radical Black organizers — Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi — created a Black-centered political will and movement building project called #BlackLivesMatter. It was in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman.

The story is that three radicals took a hashtag and built an entire movement. Today the BLM Network has 38 chapters around North American. AFAIK nobody has has ever been so successful doing something like this, not even close (at least in North America).

Basically BLM are the GOAT hashtag movement builders. Correct me if I am wrong.

So, sure, we can play-act being omniscient political mad-men. Maybe if those three activists had waited a year after T.Martin was killed, and sat out Ferguson, so they could raise enough money, then pay some real political mad-men to focus-group different hashtags… they might have 45 chapters now instead?

Is this what you are getting on about?


Trump told people that he had watched Carlson’s show and it had affected his view on the Iran situation.



My first thought was shut the fuck up Mike Lee. Talk is cheap you asshole. Where have you been these last three years? This isn’t some shocking new revelation.

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I’m sure they’ll release them right after the election, along with his tax returns,

19 Mar 19
19 Mar 19
19 Mar 19
19 Mar19


I watched that segment. Can’t remember if anyone posted the video… Worth watching.

If I were in Groundhog Day real life I would try to see how many full viewings I could get of Office Space every day. One day play at 2x speed, another day set up ten televisions to watch at once etc etc.


JFC, I was listening to MSNBC clips, and the Pink Floyd song Comfortably Numb came immediately to mind.

Just a little pinprick.
There’ll be no more
But you may feel a little sick.

Can you stand up?
I do believe it’s working, good.
That’ll keep you going for the show,
Come on it’s time to go.

Good one.

Of course, maybe #metoo is in ‘error’ too. Maybe it should be, say, #ustoo ? We’ll have to wait and see what the focus groups tell us, I guess.


I’m picking up what boredsocial is putting down, but I also think this is a fair objection. On one hand I agree with strategic messaging and some of his criticisms of DNC messaging strategy. On the other hand, I believe his criticisms are most applicable in manufactured rather than organic movements.

I appreciated you breaking down the history of BLM and why it would have been ruinous to try to redirect the messaging.

@boredsocial, I’m curious what your ideas are for immediate messaging strategy the DNC could deploy. Like, not looking back on what could have been done differently. Here’s where we are on the ground today.

But no worries if you are just discussing broad ideas and don’t want to get into such examples. You seem to have some insight into this sort of thing is all.