The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances


Yeah, launching drones and cruise missiles from carrier groups is going to a very trying experience for us Americans. Stand together.

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This enemy has missiles as a central pillar of their own war doctrine. That carrier group should probably withdraw to a safe range… it’s a big target.


I hate to sound patriotic about this, but we’re a billion times better at killing. Seems to me like the need to portray Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now Iran as far more dangerous than they really are makes war more likely. Are these Iranian missiles the same ones that have been trying to kill Israelis for 20 years and have killed about 30 people while Israel kills at will? Iran is lucky that it can make a clone of a 40 year old Peugeot.

Agreed :joy: reluctantly, after I got taken down in the old forum for saying that the USA couldn’t take on the whole world… :rofl: Because you guys could.

I do believe Iran knows this more than most and are in the most difficult position I’ve ever seen in the world atm.

Alough them signing up with Russia and China may be worse in the long term it will save Iranian life’s, even if the people are worse off. Its just a cluster fuck all round for us normal folks.

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The best people.


I wonder how much of this shit happens all the fucking time but we don’t know because most administrations aren’t so stupid as to let it be known just how stupid they are.

So which is it? Are we staying or are we leaving? Do they even know?

Narrator: They did not.

Dear diary,

GG republic. Hello tin pot dictatorship.

It was good while it lasted. Hope the reeducation camp accommodations aren’t horrid.

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This doesn’t actually start the trial… it just sets the rules. Pelosi told Mitch she wasn’t going to transmit until he set rules. He’s setting them. She probably just won’t transmit because it doesn’t show witnesses.

He was never ever getting removed, so in a lot of ways giving Pelosi cover to leave him indicted but not acquitted is the best case scenario.

This is extra true because one of the counts against Trump is obstruction and Bolton is bluffing that he’d testify. I hope there is no trial. That’s basically the best case outcome.

This ladies and gentlemen is why nunnehi is a fucking moron for thinking ‘we should do Pence first’ lolol. We aren’t going to get anyone through the Senate. The goal here is to do as much political damage to GOP Senators as humanly possible.

Now we need to nominate a true populist who can beat Trump in every single swing state so we have a decent shot at getting the Senate, blowing up the filibuster, and getting the country lurching forward again.

And @Smacc_25 I’m DEFINITELY bouncing to Costa Rica if Trump wins reelection. You’ve read my posts… I’ve got no plans to be one of those people who hung out in Germany after Hitler took power. I’m going into exile ASAP if this goes wrong. #whiteprivilege indeed. I’m an upper middle class white guy with a portable business and a wife who is a nurse. We’ll be welcome anywhere.

Scotland could do with folks like you… :v: Just saying :beers::beers::beers::beers:

The best people, the best seafood and the best patter… :facepunch: Shame about the weather :cry:


I just love how the media keeps covering Mitch McConnell like he’s just some normal senator.

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No trial is a terrible outcome. It misses opportunities to apply immense political pressure to GOP Senators and it makes it look like the Democratic impeachment vote was just a political game.

Pardon Me!

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