The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

It’s Carrot Top

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so fucking dumb

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When Superman IV: the Quest for Peace accurately predicted the Trump presidency

Risk nuclear war

Dude is literally a cartoon villain


52 is the number remembered for the hostage crisis since that’s ultimately the number released in the end. The whole episode was a big deal - I remember things like “Iranian Hostage Crisis - Day 385” or whatever on the news every night.

And there was a failed rescue operation that resulted in 8 dead soldiers (and only 1 term for Carter). People tied yellow ribbons on trees. So it was a huge moment of national pride and relief when the hostages came home.

Little did we know that things would only go downhill from there and it was just the beginning of a 40-year descent into madness.


Super late on this but there was a fairly recent Radio Lab podcast about lead and its detrimental impact on development, specifically manifested as IQ. Obviously there are a lot of problems with IQ “science” but the main point is that we know that lead exposure affects brain development. Reagan wanted to deregulate the gas industry and allow them to start putting lead back in fuel. They commissioned this guy whose name I can’t remember to conduct sort of a sham study that would show how much money would be saved by industry thanks to this deregulation. He did so but he also did a separate economic analysis to show the burden on society that would be incurred by deregulation, which was something like 10:1 greater than would be saved by industry (this was where the IQ stuff came in). Reagan’s handpicked EPA head said “you couldn’t look away” from this stuff and reversed course, leading to basically the complete removal of lead in fuel. That dude saved us all and nobody even knows about it.


Fake news, this is actually footage from Trump’s inauguration #MAGA


Talking point on Sunday shows: “We had to take action because Soleimani was trying to push us out of Iraq.”

Every Stan Winston animatronic prop show host: [nods head]


Something to worry about even if unlikely is that Iran may already have nukes. In the early 90s there were stories that Kazakhstan sold them a few “small” weapons. Maybe bs but I’m not sure there was a reliable accounting.

Jake tapper equated Benghazi with the WMD lie this morning, so the media seems to be taking things in stride.

I do wonder if Trump has fantasized about the crowd he would get. Morbid, but his ego is so poorly formed, all he knows is to seek validation

Mosque in Shiraz, Iran

Appartment in New York


Only one has any cultural value.

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We’re worried about Iran having nukes? All of the statements attributed to them so far about retaliation have been entirely reasonable. We’re the bad the guys here with a doomsday-level arsenal under the control of a Day-Glo orange baboon.


Wow great job Mueller. Potus selling out US foreign policy to russia while being owned by russian banks: not technically illegal!



I would add trump is his own worst security leak. I imagine they have to drug him like B.A. Baracus before he travels or he would tweet away all the locations.

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Mueller had to actively ignore mountains of evidence of blatant corruption and criminal behavior. Shout out Victor for calling it early and a hearty LOL to all the lawbros.