The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

I mean sometimes I see people saying our democracy is on the line and I think, well that has to be crazy (gotta be crazy right?). Then I see Trump tweet something like this


I see people saying our democracy is on the line and I think, well that has to be crazy (gotta be crazy right?).

how dare you wear that tag


I only admitted there are times where I merely hope maybe WA not AF

Then quickly get shot down

The bastards really wear you down.

I fully expect Trump to lose in 2020, but I expect his last three months to set a new record for pardons.

For example, he’s gonna not pay any of Giuliani’s bills and claim a pardon makes everything square.

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alright guys you know the drill.

incoming trump rage tweet about “foreign election interference” in 3… 2… 1…

Do you actually think Trump will accept a loss and step down? I don’t see it happening. This is his ultimate fantasy as a power-hungry narcissist. He’s the leader of the wealthiest country in the world, and he’s completely above the law. There’s no way he accepts a loss and voluntarily steps down, imo.


I have no idea how I’m going handle election night. It’s going to be unbelievably terrifying and stressful.

I used to be super optimistic Trump would lose. But now I’m starting to think he’s a favorite to just straight win the election with all the cheating he’s gonna do. And even if he doesn’t I’m extremely confident he will not step down.

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He’s firmly odds on at Betfair in a liquid market.


If Trump is going to hang on I don’t think it will be after an election gets called with Donnie announcing on twitter that he’s not budging. Even now it will require other people in positions of power cooperating, so I’d guess the route is a few ‘close’ states dragging their heels in counts and then ‘legal’ shenanigans would start. No reason to deviate from a tried and tested method, after all.

Most people here know more about US politics than me so I wouldn’t put too much stock in my opinion, but I know I’ll be spending some time this year trying to mentally ‘price in’ a second Trump term. It seems the more likely outcome, all things considered.

It’s the hope that kills you. For Brexit, Trump and the UK GE in 2017 I watched as normal and they were awful. For the last UK one I ignored it most of the day, and then went to bed just after seeing the exit poll and it was much easier to handle.

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Hope is the only thing helping me get out of bed in the morning.

I mean not really, my life is pretty good all things considered. But just accepting or detaching myself from it isn’t really something I’m able to do. So for now I’m pouring my anxiety into trying to get Bernie the nom and then whoever wins assuming no world class rat fucking into winning the general.

If he wins again I’ll deal with it. Maybe get some xanax for the night of :D.

And if he loses I think he will just straight up start posting about how it was rigged, retweet tons of super conspiracy shit about illegal voters, and release his DOJ on states with close results to declare them void.

I wonder where the big money Republican backers will land in all of this. Will they support it? I think they will determine where the senate Republicans land.

I don’t know a single Trump supporter who wouldn’t eat that shit up happily though.

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Unless it’s a a landslide, SCOTUS will rig it for Trump in a decision that will make Bush v. Gore look like Brown v. Board.

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Yeah, so, I never watch this bullshit (that’s just asking for an Ark Of The Covenant face melting) but I do read/skim them when I get the chance and, uh, this is surreal, even relatively.

This is the State of the Union that Trump probably wanted to give — a slam-poetry session of weeks’ worth of frustration and complaints. “But now we have that gorgeous word,” Trump said. “I never thought that word would ever sound so good. It’s called total acquittal.”

“Total acquittal” is two words, of course, which might give you a sense of how this thing went. The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman reported that the president had a draft of his remarks, but it was quite clear from the moment he began talking that he wasn’t going to stick to any script.

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Woah Woah Woah. It’s racist to say that black people commit more crimes? What about those fbi statisticz tho?
( twitter | raw text )


I mean, I read these shits when transcripts get online and this is only the 2nd or 3rd time I bothered posting, saying, “Holy shit read this if you haven’t.”