The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

“Do your job!” says lady who quit as UN Ambassador to become a TV commentator.

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Wow, tough decision on who said the absolute dumbest thing today between Susan Collins and Nikki Haley. Let’s give them both the prize (a one-way rocket trip to the sun).

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Not attending would have been so easy. All you have to do is say that you can’t justify sitting for the SOTU with a President under impeachment.

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Yeah that post from wheatrich bothered me earlier, and I got distracted and didn’t respond. There’s no need to say that lots of women are mental chameleons and ignore that lots of men are, too.

You see it from men in discussions of politics, sports, dating… anywhere there’s a lot of emotion.

For the people wisely ignoring the SOTU entirely, including not reading that thread:


Most offensive of all, Shakira did some ululating like them there A-rabs do.

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This is almost the exact opposite of what people here mean when they say people “should stop talking about social justice issues”. If you didn’t have me on ignore I could easily explain it.

Like, this,



“I never say the n-word, ever!”

“Ok sport, that’s great. Now we’re gonna do some of the socialism that pretty much all the black leaders wanted throughout history. Not even all the socialism, just some.”

“Um… How about instead we just never ever say the n-word even more ?”

was about you! The co-opting you mention has been happening for a looong time because your entire concern was your uncle not saying the n-word at thanksgiving anymore.

If you are going to go dirty at least hit trump where it hurts him personally, his little feeble deteriorating mind. An ad with him mumbling and odd tongue things and brain glitching and talking about us raiding brit airports in the revolutionary war would hurt him and show he is unfit.

Then talk about healthcare and ending private prisons.

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How is (((name))) STILL a thing?

Antisemitism’s still a thing.

Well Nancy signed off on the wall, caging kids and trillions to bomb brown people but she is triggering the fuck out of Trumpkins. People I didn’t even know were Trumpkins are whining about it on my social media this AM.

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Donald Trump’s team ‘having meetings in the dark as they can’t find right light switch in White House’

Not enough rage in the world for dumb fuck reporters credulously reporting on GOP hacks being outraged by Nancy’s lack of decorum (I still think it was a meaningless, stupid stunt).

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