more from article, some politican she is calling Mark as a cover name. First time they talked was spring of 2019 and he’s all aboard trump train.
Several months later, I met Mark a second time. The impeachment hearings had begun, and the story of the firing of the American ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, was then in the news. The true nature of the administration’s ideology—Trump First, not America First—was becoming more obvious. The president’s abuse of military aid to Ukraine and his attacks on civil servants suggested not a patriotic White House, but a president focused on his own interests. Mark did not apologize for the president, though. Instead, he changed the subject: It was all worth it, he told me, because of the Uighurs.
I thought I had misheard. The Uighurs? Why the Uighurs? I was unaware of anything that the administration had done to aid the oppressed Muslim minority in Xinjiang, China. Mark assured me that letters had been written, statements had been made, the president himself had been persuaded to say something at the United Nations. I doubted very much that the Uighurs had benefited from these empty words: China hadn’t altered its behavior, and the concentration camps built for the Uighurs were still standing. Nevertheless, Mark’s conscience was clear. Yes, Trump was destroying America’s reputation in the world, and yes, Trump was ruining America’s alliances, but Mark was so important to the cause of the Uighurs that people like him could, in good conscience, keep working for the administration.
LOL, trump said some things that accomplished nothing, so we good.
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I refuse to let these state polls get my hopes up this early, but there are a lot of states in play, and the R Senate candidates all seem to be doing much worse than Trump in the states that are in play.
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this is just going to make the election night more stressful, i’d rather not believe it
continuing things from the article: lol lindsey
A friend who regularly runs into Lindsey Graham in Washington told me that each time they meet, “he brags about having just met with Trump” while exhibiting “high school” levels of excitement, as if “a popular quarterback has just bestowed some attention on a nerdy debate-club leader— the powerful big kid likes me! ” That kind of intense pleasure is hard to relinquish and even harder to live without.
this is concerning and similar has been mentioned by plenty of great posters here:
This instinct has an American variation. Politicians here who have spent their lives following rules and watching their words, calibrating their language, giving pious speeches about morality and governance, may feel a sneaking admiration for someone like Trump, who breaks all the rules and gets away with it. He lies; he cheats; he extorts; he refuses to show compassion, sympathy, or empathy; he does not pretend to believe in anything or to abide by any moral code. He simulates patriotism, with flags and gestures, but he does not behave like a patriot; his campaign scrambled to get help from Russia in 2016 (“If it’s what you say, I love it,” replied Donald Trump Jr., when offered Russian “dirt” on Hillary Clinton), and Trump himself called on Russia to hack his opponent. And for some of those at the top of his administration, and of his party, these character traits might have a deep, unacknowledged appeal: If there is no such thing as moral and immoral, then everyone is implicitly released from the need to obey any rules. If the president doesn’t respect the Constitution, then why should I? If the president can cheat in elections, then why can’t I? If the president can sleep with porn stars, then why shouldn’t I?
Not bad, but it should say “no hablo español”
Man is it hard to resist jumping on McSally’s grave.
Why would Iranian state actors be working to help the tRUmp campaign?
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Becoming? That line has been crossed for some time
I hope he does get an RV and ride around with it with Melania. Then one night while camping under the stars in New Mexico, a pack of coyotes happens upon them, tearing them to shreds.
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2 of them in Dallas? Should I be worried I live in a WMD hot bed?
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