The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)


The character of his fundraising and campaign people has almost certainly gone DOWN since 2016. The amount of fraud, theft and criminality is limited only by our collective imaginations.

Here’s the article Drudge is ultimately referring to if you want to avoid Drudge clicks.

Drudge’s actual link is to an article on ‘dnyuz .com’ which appears to flat out plagiarize/reprint the story from the NY Times.

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it’s cool man we’ve got @simplicitus linking to racist piece of shit Rick Wilson above like it aint no thang, clearly anything goes here

I know its anecdotal but I’m not seeing shit as far as Trump hats or signs this year compared to last year. I live in rural TN and I see a Trump hat maybe once a week. The only thing I really see are the brain dead cultists with Trump flags on their pick up trucks.

In 2016, I drove from Miami to Seattle and back over 3 months. My travel this year has been the confederate southeast.

Can’t have priors if you don’t get prosecuted for the first 37723 crimes you commit



The people in the Trump administration make those at Full Tilt look like saints


I’m gonna take 2 years off reading politics no matter who wins.

These 5 years were enough for a lifetime


Not anything. It’s not like I linked to a dumbfuck like you. I have some standards. Fucking moran.


lol you love war criminals and racists and read their tweets every day

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You’re a worthless little fuck who hasn’t made an interesting post in two years. Congratulations, you’re my first ignore.



He wants to gratuitously post dumb shit just to come after me. F him.
( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

Drudge has basically been a full on #resistance member since January. He’s certainly got deplorable right wing views, but I don’t feel bad about giving him clicks. Honestly, he’s probably got more honest reporting towards Trump and Biden than the nytimes at this point.

Get on out there and vote for a racist piece of shit like me!

So we’re posting “Pepe” memes now?

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I sure hope not.

On that note, there is a doc out about the history of Pepe. Looks interesting. I heard them on a podcast today.