The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I’m probably a moron but I expect Biden to crush the eventual results. Whether Trump can stir up enough doubt and trouble to essentially invalidate them is my concern.


Lol dude on a scale of 1-10 your pessimism is infinity squared. These guys are all grifters. If Trump loses, they’ll move on to the next money making opportunity. They give zero fucks about Trump when push comes to shove.

Maybe we are better off if they are shocked into anger by Trump cheating to win rather than fatalistic acceptance if it happens.

From what I have read Facebook is really cultish. They honestly think the solution to most problems is more Facebook.

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Or it’s the other way and Zuck bribes Trump and gets whatever he wants. Ban a foreign app to devalue it before he buys it? Sure, that’ll be a 10% fee. Like if you’re a powerful billionaire, a Trump dictatorship probably offers you more opportunities, not less. It’s just a question of whether you’re willing to be in business with him to enjoy all it has to offer.

Putin’s oligarchs seem to be doing quite well.

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Why would you think Facebook is “smart” in that sense? They will follow the typical business model of assuming the best-case scenario and trusting in their ability to deal with anything that comes up, blaming any failure on external forces.


That lets zuck off way too easy. He’s not stupid. Qanon people are all stupid.

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I’m not so sure he does if there was clearly foul play. But he may, and I factor that in as well.

Depends on your definition of stupid but I totally disagree with this.

From a game theory standpoint they should go there so it all gets both sidesed. Now it’s a GOP freeroll. Ideally they’d find another way to fight it, but here we are…

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Jfc, nothing has changed in 30 years.

I think they are completely self-interested. They don’t care about Trump they care about maintaining their personal power. If you agree, I think you actually should agree with me that they would go to the mattresses here… Especially if Dems are in line to take the Senate.

HR1+ is the end of Ron DeSantis and Brian Kemp’s political career. A fair vote in those states with no shenanigans and expanded voter access, and the GOP is toast for a while in any state left of like R+5 right now.

I guess it’s fair to ask whether they’re thinking on that level, though.
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I love how he’s talking like the economy hasn’t been decimated.

Biden can’t crash an economy that has already crashed.

Honestly, I think these guys can make more money if Biden is president. Their entire schick is to rail about the Democrats.


We are lucky they won’t do that again!


Dude, this is obviously not the case and I wasn’t arguing it, but there were politicians after the lolFFs and before Nixon who were somewhat better on average wouldn’t you say?

Well there are two groups of people. Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity can make more money with Biden as POTUS. Ron DeSantis and Brian Kemp need to keep winning elections, so HR1+ is a death knell from them.

Sure, some will get Fox News gigs, but HR1+ would cause a surge in available “former Republican Congressman/Senator/Governor” talent.

Essentially most politicians are not at all accountable to their electorate. These GOP guys in particular. The general elections they face are so rigged/gerrymandered/voter suppressed that they have no worries.

If that changes, quite a few of them are fucked after what they’ve done the last 4-12 years.
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