The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

It’s probably an expression of his deeply ingrained inferiority complex that he needs to be graded high marks by an unnamed, probably self-appointed authority.

Or it’s a way to resonate with the inferiority complex of his supporters.

Or both.

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That’s eDem thinking that doesn’t accept our post-truth environment. We ought to engage in shenanigans aka partisanship.

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You folks need to stop getting your hopes so high that trump’s losing this election. I really don’t think he is. I’m just worried you guys are gonna be hopelessly crushed and the bitterness will destroy this forum.

Obviously hope I’m wrong - but this story looks very familiar to me, and this election will have more cheating (by a lot). We basically with open arms told russia to interfere and we wouldn’t do shit. So we’re basically depending on the likes of twitter and facebook to do the right thing here and not go after profit (LOL). And we’re hoping that there’s no funny business on the actual voting machines, which I wouldn’t rule out either.



The health of this forum will be the least of our problems if it manages to cheat its way to another “win.”


I’m 100% going to inso0 it and take 2 years off reading about politics if trump is in office in February.


I’m just really anticipating the scenario where Biden loses and we engineer some hindsight dumb excuses as to why. That’s like ultimate WAAF territory for me. If Biden loses, there was cheating. Period. The exact same way I still don’t accept the results of 2016 as being anything but fraudulent.

Feel free to quote and laugh at me when this is all over, I’ll welcome it.


Redacted for privacy.

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I agree that Trump is a favorite to hold power, and I cringe a bit that people think it’s all going to be wrapped up on 11/3. My friend and I have talked about our pipe dream of an election called for Biden in the wee hours of the morning after election night.

But we know it’s a pipe dream. This election will likely take 10+ days to decide. There will be cheating in advance and after, there will be questions of the integrity (in the wrong direction), and there may well be an attempted coup if Biden wins (with Trump just refusing to leave).

I think Trump is 60/40 to keep power, and I think I may be overconfident, if anything. I also think Trump’s law and order approach is optimal and has a chance of recreating the 2016 map - win the EC on small margins, lose the popular vote by 3M+. That’s without cheating.

( twitter | raw text )


agree that trump winning 2020 is almost surely cheating, at least as things sit right now, but there is buckets of evidence right now that this election isnt the same as 2016, also there is evidence in 2016 that it was a close race and the result was within the margin of error basically.

Saw a tweet the other day I think from Wasserman about how you could see at the county level in the midwest, things start to change towards trump in polling in the last few weeks leading to election day.

I agree. I’m mentally bracing for it. In my volunteer group they all think it’s gonna be a biden landslide. I don’t have the heart to shit on their parade but man. Like so, so much has to NOT go wrong.

The thing is, Trump is too paranoid. I doubt he’s ever trusted a single person in his life.

I truly don’t understand what Facebook is doing.

Surely they are smart enough to realize that in a second Trump term, Facebook will lose all its current protection from blatant political interference and state-initiated shakedowns?

The 2021+ Trump Justice Department isn’t going to say “thank you for letting Russian propaganda and Q-Anon bullshit run rampant on your platform, now we will leave you alone to enjoy your monopoly profits in perpetuity.” They’re going to demand it become straight up state media, under the threat of endless antitrust litigation and probably personal investigations of Zuck and company.


Isn’t Facebook at point where you have to feed the beast to keep the share holders happy?

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One major issue is the huge trump freeroll. Biden will 100% pull a gore, concede and go quietly into that sweet night so every outcome to the right of 269 is a trump lock no matter how shadily those 269 votes are acquired. Trump will contest pretty much all the outcomes so even if the EC was a 50/50 proposition after cheating trump would be favourite to hold power.

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If zuck didn’t luckbox a billion dollars he’d be a qanon incel dude. He believes in the same “shouting down” nonsense that the rest of them do.

I was actually thinking about that when I wrote it. It is very much republican shenanigans and is probably where they need to go.

Frankly if PA, MI, and WI didn’t have Democratic Governors and Secretaries of State, Trump would be like 90/10. Thankfully we won those. Also Arizona Secretary of State.

But we still need gerrymandered GOP controlled state legislatures to certify election results in those states, if I understand the process correctly.

In Georgia and Florida, Biden could even win and the legislature and governors could say “LOL fuck you,” and pass a law changing how they pick electors so they could pick them themselves. This is probably legal. They could also just not sign off and not send any, if it keeps Biden below 270.

Then it gets thrown into the House, and the GOP wins unless Nancy and the Dems take the gloves off.


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