The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)


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I just listened to the On the Media episode on QAnon and another on Facebook as the boom for COVID conspiracy propaganda. They both helped stoke the fires of fuck Facebook and fuck QAnon in me.

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( twitter | raw text )

The threads are all starting to come together. Trump’s “somebody” who got on a plane with BLM thugs BS was Devin Nunes, who got moo-ed at by a lady from SLC on that same flight.

One of my major faults is I’m all about my career, and would work almost anywhere if it advanced it - for instance, the company I work for now I really disagree with their business but it’s a great step forward for me so I took the position.

But if I got offered my dream job at facebook I’d still turn it down. They are the worst company that has maybe EVER existed. And I don’t think that’s hyperbolic.


LOL touché. However, I think I could make a very strong argument that facebook has been worse for the world than the EITC. However my knowledge of history from that period is uhh, bad.

Like, there are no private armies for facebook - yet. Or that we know of.

It hasn’t for the only people he cares about.

I was listening to slate money yesterday and they pointed out employment is down 1% for the upper quartile and 16% for the bottom.

LOL. Trump out here shitting on Biden for about 20 minutes in a row. Finishes by saying “so, happy labor day” before asking questions.

He’s clearly agitated today. I can sense a bit of WAAF in his tone.

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Wait until the protests are over. Those planes of actors are going to need another gig. Assuming they don’t all compete to be on the next flight with Nunes.


In the past couple of weeks, my FB deplorables have posted very few pro-Trump memes. And their anti-Biden/Dem memes are limited to:

  1. Biden’s senile.
  2. The moronic “Biden’s been in politics for 40 years and hasn’t accomplished anything.”
  3. Nancy got her hair done.
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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: The Most Innocent and Honorable Man to Hold Office


We did a “Grab Bag” draft in POG last year where we drafted a single item in a bunch of different categories and then voted on each of the categories. One of the categories was Most Evil Company, where the podium was 1) East India Company, 2) Nestle and 3) Bayer, and Facebook was drafted but finished 10th out of 10.

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shit on anyone for being anti-war lately? deplorables come in a lot of flavors

I’m starting to wonder if the bottom quartile has it even worse than I realized. Like, I keep wondering how the economy can be so bad and companies that sell goods to consumers can just have valuations skyrocket. Like, at some point, if 30-40% of the country can’t afford to buy iPhones or widgets on Amazon, don’t their valuations have to drop?

But, it’s quite possible I’m an asshole who didn’t realize that 15-20% of the country don’t have smart phones and probably another 15-20% don’t replace them every couple of years. That said, I know certain industries that got crushed by the pandemic did have people with pretty good cash income who likely spent a lot of it on toys and goodies, so I’m still thinking I’m not totally wrong.

But yeah the fact of the matter is the upper 60% of the country has been minimally affected, the bottom 20% has been crushed and that has gone unnoticed by the 60%, and the low-middle 20% is probably in extreme danger of being crushed at this point… I know ~40% of the country didn’t have like $500 saved for an emergency - I forget the exact numbers from that poll a couple years ago. I assumed that for a decent chunk of them it was because they voluntarily lived paycheck to paycheck and spent more than they needed to. Maybe more of it was involuntary than I realized? I would have guessed ~half and half.

This is a good sign of decreasing enthusiasm, and it should correlate with at least slightly lower turnout among his base. They turn out in huge numbers, but he needs like all of them. Even losing 1-2% is catastrophic for him.*

'* in a free and fair election

Shouldn’t the new title be KMS Magaritaville instead of SS Magaritaville?

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They’ve had ample opportunity to do just that over the past 25 years, and they have repeatedly declined.

I also think a lot of people here are being way too dismissive of the far right. I’ll repeat what I said earlier: People are going to die as a direct result of this election. It could be a lot of people. There is a truly alarming number of heavily armed nuts in this country who think large scale, domestic terrorism is desirable. There is a massive, grass roots network that has been feeding those fantasies for decades, and it has created many true believers. Some of them are going to try doing it for real.


Check out Qanonanonymous podcast as well. It’s an excellent resource for Fuck Q