The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Ok boomer

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As probably the only Unstucker who has been on Wheel of Fortune, I am uniq8qualified to end this debate. Jeopardy at 7:00, Wheel at 7:30.

Although some friends accidentally spoiled my episode for other friends when they posted on Facebook after watching it at 7 in their market.

Also, fuck Trump.



Did you get the gold plated dalmation?

Jeopardy was always before Wheel here.

well I guess if this is the tipping point on trump losing fine but NOW people have learned he’s not a fan of soldiers? He’s done that like 10 times just in the last 4 years including multiple times while he was campaigning in 16. Better late than never I guess.


I could see this veteran thing being more damaging than the Access Hollywood tape. On tape or not is irrelevant. In the mind of a deplorable, disrespecting the military is worse than sexual harassment. The AH tape had no effect because the people who voted for Trump are OK with that, even idolize someone who can get away with it. Disrespecting troops is the worst thing you can do. Like that meme a couple posts up hints at. Trumpy veterans and veteran adjacents don’t actually care who passed Veterans Choice or even if there are Russian bounties on their heads. They like having their social status elevated by being treated as heroes and having their North Korean style propaganda parades. Discovering that the disrespect might not just be directed towards John McCain or some family named Khan but towards themselves is going to piss a lot of them off.


It opens the doors to some really effective arguments and ads, and I anticipate we’ll see a lot of them. So I guess we’re going to find out.

Some of the ads that could be effective won’t be ads we’d necessarily usually run, but I think we should. Here’s an example:

A grandkid sees his grandfather’s old stuff from military service, then goes to an air show with his Dad, who is retired military. His father teaches him how to stand during the anthem, and smiles when his little boy salutes a soldier when he sees him - the soldier smiles and salutes back.

Fast forward, the kid is 18 and wants to follow in his family tradition of service. He’s on his way to enlist when he sees a TV tuned to Fox News. The graphic says REPORT: TRUMP CALLS FALLEN SOLDIERS “LOSERS” AND “SUCKERS”

The boy turns to his father. “Are we suckers, Dad?”

“No son. Not at all. We love this country.”

Cut to Biden talking about his deep appreciation of the military.

It was a ceramic dalmatian. Get your shit together.

Can confirm central FL gets Jeopardy then Wheel since time immemorial

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My aunt is a lifelong republican, but before that she’s a military wife and daughter, patriotic to the core. My grandfather served in WWII and her husband, my uncle, is a retired career military officer.

Up to now she’s been a staunch Trump supporter, but this newest revelation of Trump’s attitude toward soldiers has finally broken the camel’s back and turned her against him…

Just kidding. It has had no impact at all. Just stumbled on her FB comment completing dismissing Mayor Pete on the FOX interview as being “so condescending.” I needed a shower to wash off filth of the rest of the comments in that thread.

If this didn’t move the needle for her and my uncle and their ilk, nothing will. They wouldn’t accept it as true even if they were standing right in front of Trump as he vomited the words himself. To do so would require shattering their world view and admitting that they have been the suckers for the past four years.

The lines are firmly drawn, and nothing will alter them at this point. It’s all going to come down to voter turnout and the extent of voter suppression and fraud.


Wheel then Jeopardy in North FL, one of the few things we do right.


You should send this script to the Lincoln Project

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As Ikioi says upthread it will not move the needle too much, but I think the goal is just to make a few voters stay at home.
You will need to include Trump‘s „I like soldiers that weren‘t captured“ and other direct quotes „The. Generals aren‘t doing so well.“ „I‘ve made lots of sacrifices too“ come to mind. If you have both Trump speaking on tape and „ominous voice reading quote“ than it will cause more cognitive dissonance with the „It‘s all fake“ crowd.

But don‘t forget, that those direct quotes are from 2016. it won’t change minds, but it might push some people who are already doubting over the edge to be reminded of this.

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Today I was on a text chain with 7 midwesterners, all white, over 40, mostly men.

Trip Report:

  1. Everything Fox News says about liberals is true.
  2. All they claim to care about is policy, and Law & Order.
  3. Every fact I stated with citations about Trump’s lies, policies, and criminality was dismissed as fake news, or is result of my blind hatred.

Small sample size, I know. But I don’t see how another Trump doesn’t care about the troops story moves the needle.

The news that is bad for Trump does not pierce their bubble. It’s like trying to explain what a supply chain is to one of those secluded Amazon tribes. The concept doesn’t exist in their reality, and neither do the component parts.


These last few posts emphasize what sheer genius Trump is as a con man, bullshit artist and messenger. He’s a brilliant cult leader.

When people talk about him being a moron, too dumb to pull off XYZ, etc, I think it’s a disservice to our side because it makes people take him lightly.

He has basically programmed 40% of the country to loyally support him no matter what. Because he’s crass and “tells it like it is,” surely he must always be telling the truth.

He can literally speak a lie into truth by repeating it. He is a master deceiver. He divided the country so starkly and self-selected the most blindly loyal followers from the start with the absurdity of the lies, so that nothing will break the trance. He spent four years villifying us, if we told Trump supporters the grass is green they’d rub their eyes, look again, and tell us it’s blue.

All that said, the reason this has a chance to matter is that the average military voter skews conservative and a lot of the anti Trump vote was going to go third party. We should be targeting them and other NeverTrump third party voters, and trying to move them to Biden. Beyond that we should target first time voters or disengaged voters, and focus back on turnout.

Circling back, the strategy he used over four years to build a cult of tens of millions of people was quite brilliant - probably intuitive for him. He started with a series of absurdly tall tales of relatively little importance. They were easy to support and repeat because they didn’t matter - it was just to trigger the libs.

Mexico will pay for the wall, it was the biggest inauguration crowd ever, he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose a vote. In order, for his voters, those were: fun because they’re racist and who cares as long as it’s built, fun to trigger the libs, hyperbole but funny.

There were small, obvious fibs like his record on the Iraq war but who really cared?

Then there was no collusion, no obstruction. He spoke that into accepted truth with brute force.

Over four years he’s shifted to telling absurd lies about bigger and bigger things, but now they are so indoctrinated, it still flies.

To put it another way, if you gave them truth serum and polled them on 1/31/17, I bet a big chunk of his supporters would know Mexico wasn’t going to pay and his crowd wasn’t the biggest. If you repeated that poll today he’d be at like 95% believing that Mexico did pay and his crowd was the biggest, and nothing will break the spell.


We need an UP Watch party for this livestream event!!

When I lived in NYC, it was Jeopardy followed by Wheel

When I lived in PA, it was the opposite on their local ABC affiliate.