The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Like you don’t know. Come on, you know.

There were no shy Trumpkins in 2016 and there sure as shit aren’t now. The national polls in 2016 were off by two points and the state polls in some key states missed because they didn’t weight by education. They do now and Biden is up way more than Clinton.

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I didn’t understand the position in West Wing terms, but I do now that you’ve translated to Downton Abbey.


Dude science doesn’t care. Covid isn’t political. There is a 20% chance this kills Trump. Yet another useless poker analogy, LOL, but he’s holding Pocket Aces and Covid has J10s.

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He was the White House travel director before becoming what is pretty much Trump’s personal assistant. He’s married to an aide to Jared Kushner.

Maybe not but if he gets very ill - enough for Pence to take over - I think that matters.

On Thursday night. On friday he flopped 8/9/10 with another spade. Today an offsuit 2 hit on the turn. Paging @BadPokerAnalogy


I mean Pence is MIA right? Where is he?

good question

Pence sheltering somewhere undisclosed would actually be the responsible continuity of government decision right now.


Herman Cain’s twitter account says hi

I mean, Herman Cain didn’t get it from debate-prepping with the president at the same time the president got it along with half the leadership of the Republican Party.


Fuck man I love JTs. I’m all in!

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I am that weirdo who never saw West Wing.


There is very little red meat in there. “Marbled” would be extremely generous.

The pork belly market might take a hit to over-supply.

After spending months denying the dangers of COVID-19, Trump is expressing an emotion aides have rarely seen: fear. On Friday, Trump grew visibly anxious as his fever spiked to 103 fahrenheit and he was administered oxygen at the White House, according to three Republicans close to the White House. Two sources told me Trump experienced heart palpitations on Friday night—possible side effects of the experimental antibody treatment he received. Trump has wondered aloud if he could defeat the disease. “Am I going out like Stan Chera?” Trump has asked aides, referring to his friend, New York real-estate developer Stan Chera, who died of COVID in April.

“Meadows has said if Trump can get out of the hospital by Tuesday, then he’s gone through the worst of it. But if he’s still there after Tuesday, the worst is yet to come,” the source told me.

Inside Trumpworld, the shock of Trump’s hospitalization is giving way to despair about his prospects in the upcoming election. “They all know it’s over,” a Republican close to the campaign said. “This is spiraling out of control,” a former West Wing official said. Some Trump allies are entertaining conspiracy theories that the White House outbreak was caused by someone with political motives. “It’s weird that all these Republicans are getting it,” a prominent Republican told me. “I don’t know what the fuck is going on. But one thing I’ve learned is: when something major happens thirty days before an election, it usually has to do with the election.” (There is no evidence for this wild claim).

Meanwhile, America’s closest allies are entertaining wild scenarios as well. An outside White House adviser told me that a high-level government official from a G-7 country asked him if Trump would try to appoint Ivanka president instead of Mike Pence. “He’s broken every norm so far, so they think anything is possible,” the source said.

The White House declined a request for comment.


Just started watching it with the wife for the first time a few weeks ago. Lots of content and light watching, recommended. Definitely makes you yearn for the simpler times.

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My best guess was it meant secret service guy who’s supposed to keep his body between the president and danger at all times.