The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

They’re not randos. Susan Glasser is totally legit. Foreign Affairs won a bunch of big time awards while she was ed-in-chief. I know Peter Baker gets a bunch of shit here, but honestly, he is one of the few good things about the NYT. I doubt they write shitty books.

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Any chance ACB is patient 0 for this outbreak? I know she had it this summer, but is it possible she is an asymptomatic long-hauler?

(Accidentally posted this in the wrong thread earlier)

I truly can’t believe people like this exist.

Watch this before making a “be nicer” shitpost.


Haven’t seen the actual texts but got the summary. He did or wanted to. His wife should and will feel betrayed.

On my 2nd marriage. My first ended because I had a problem with my wife’s boyfriend. I have some expertise in the area.

Also often where there is smoke there is fire in these things. Could be another one out there w photos this time.

Just incredibly stupid. Sounds pretty recent (this summer?) not something that happened years ago.

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Apparently it also contains the obelisk from the movie 2001.




@SweetSummerChild do you really think those are getting counted in Florida? FLORIDA!!!

For all the pearl-clutchers ITT, you realize if Trump only had mild symptoms he’d be out campaigning right now? He’d spread the virus to thousands of people. Even now, if he gets better he’s not going to quarantine, he’s going right back to his rallies.

I hope he has to stay on a ventilator until after the election. Whatever happens to him after that I couldn’t care less.


Umm …

ugh, sadly reminds me of this


Otoh, they did write a book that will sell no copies.

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This. He’s also going to want to debate Biden and the onus will be put on Biden to say no. The media will then run with Trump Beat It but Biden Too Scared to Get It takes.

If the Hope news doesn’t break they are all hiding it still. Loading him up with oxygen and brief appearances. Telling all the republicans to shut the F up about their Poz tests.

So on one hand his survivability has gone up due to the earlier real medical intervention.

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How the F can the kids an Pence do in person campaigning. They all were at least exposed.


Latest Slate Amicus podcast with election expert Rick Hasan about the election in light of Trump’s condition.

Was my thought. I would think doctors, nurses, clinicians use hours with a bit of precision and not willy mean anywhere between two and eight days when referring to 72 hours.


Grassley not taking a test and then not quarantining is also reckless endangerment.


In case anybody else didn’t watch the press conference. LOL.

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You are simply wrong.