The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Just contain jalfrezi imo


I mean I’m not set on moderate Republicans, I’m talking about whoever the people are who switched hard towards Biden after Coronavirus, then the debates, and got him up 13 points nationally and 7 points in PA.

I don’t know who they are, but I don’t want do anything to send them back. I don’t think those people are just lying to polls and will pull the lever for Trump whoever they are.

If they aren’t moderate Republicans, who are they?

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( twitter | raw text )

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Sorry to see you go even if just for a while. I hope you’re back soon.


I would argue that there may not be a single vote lost because of such behavior. I certainly don’t think there are a bunch of people out there like that to create any significance.

One could argue that a lot of people have become disgusted with Trump over the past four years would be turned off by left wingers hypocritically offering thoughts and prayers.

The likely answer though is it has no potential impact on the election in any conceivable way.

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I’m trying to figure out how to interpret this drudge headline


Christy showing up at the hospital like



Any replacement for Trump automatically loses the election. I don’t even view this as the least bit questionable. The Republican Party sold the entirety of their soul to Trump. If he is out there is no quick fill in who would not get completely destroyed.

Trumpers for Trump is magnitudes more significant than anti trumpers for Biden.


He looks terrible and he’s sucking a lot of wind in that video.

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That was exactly what I thought.

Eh, it’s the most human-like thing we’ve seen from him in ages. This is where the concern comes from that this whole episode could help him electorally.



Typhoid Johnson just doesn’t a good ring to it though

I am starting to think Trump was almost never tested and refused to be tested most of the time.

He just assumed making everyone around him was always tested, he did not have to be.


Oh man, Melania in the Christmas hat, I’m dying over here.


Yeah I don’t mean to condone the behavior but politically speaking, he’s not Roy Moore. Morally speaking as a general human behavior, cheating is awful. Messing around while running for office is even worse because of the extra embarrassment he put on his family. But this isn’t sexual assault, grab em by the pussy, or Anthony Weiner.

Not a word of support for the other Republicans and staff members who contracted the virus in his super-spreader event.

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