The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I can’t see how Trump loses this election. Republicans will suppress voting, fight all mail in voting, Barr will be announcing investigations or charges against Hunter Biden or someone tied to Biden, Trump is going to say there is a vaccine ready to go and he saved the day by cutting “red tape.” Who knows what happens between now and election that will also cause confusion.

Bill was an intelligent, charismatic leader. Seems like a bad comparison from ole Marty

Have we considered putting the covid-19 virus on notice? Because a presidential memorandum on that sounds like something effective to do.


Do the winners get these places or do the losers have to take them?


When you put it like that, maybe we can settle it with a referendum.

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MFW there’s already a meme for that

But I can’t find it. Much appreciated to anyone who can find my Trump yells at virus meme riffing on Old man yells at cloud.


That’s terrifying.


The PNW and Cali would both be top-tier countries and if Trump got them to secede relatively peacefully, I would begrudgingly give him partial credit on MAGA.


It’s not really much different than the Trump death cult, so not really sure what the big deal is. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if the number of people who believed wild conspiracy theories prior to QAnon is significantly higher than that. The amazing thing is that the idiots would actually answer that question in the poll. It’s probably a small fraction of that 16% that even has a clue what it actually is.

I buy that 16% of the population believes stuff a lot crazier than QAnon.

The Bible, for one thing, is a lot less plausible as the literal word of god, yet an insane amount of people believe it


You mean name goes on air strike coordinates pile. We don’t fancy no votes fraud in dem here parts.

Plus he paid like 400% above the price Obama contracted the ventilators for and even the manufacturer was like “uh I guess we will take more money although legally we don’t require it.”

Did the internet make people dumber or has the internet just openly exposed all the dumb people?

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Why not both?


Well im sure some. But ive gotten more then a few proud plastic paddies pretty pissed by going there.

You got to remember some of us were taught from a young age the history of the Irish in America. Of not being wanted here, told they would never assimilate and if to many were let in they would turn America into a papal state. Telling them they are a part of the new Know Nothing party can leave a mark…or maybe plant some seeds.



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States can’t secede and it would be a disaster if they did, especially the largest economies. The shithole that remains of the US would still demonize their liberal neighbors, blame them for their problems, and I’m assuming they’d still maintain control of an insane military force. New America would get invaded under the guise of liberating whatever part of California that keeps electing Nunes or some other imagined national security threat (antifa but now they’re foreign terrorists). The shitty parts of America must have decent government forced upon them, there is no other solution.