The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Holy cow when she comes out. Maybe they bumped into some other hikers or something.

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There was dancing in the streets when Bin Laden was killed and he only caused the deaths of 3,000 Americans.

If the person who directly caused the deaths of tens if not hundreds of thousands more succumbs to the same malady he refused to take seriously from day 1, I refuse to be brow-beaten for feeling a sense of relief.

I won’t feel any joy or sense of jubilation, but I will feel more at ease and maybe might get my first good night’s sleep in over 4 years.



Why not both?

oxygen doesn’t mean severe breathing difficulties, and you can easily handle a phone on some nasal cannula. Talking would be more of an issue tbh.

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I talk to a few older people at my buddies building and you guys should hear the things they say about trump if you think some of the stuff on here is edgy. One is an older black woman who is in love with Biden/Harris who has said she hopes Trump dies a couple times in the last year but always apologizes because “it’s not the Christian thing to say” and adds “but if anyone deserves it, it’s him.” From my experience a lot of people that have been hurt by him and what he stands for absolutely despise him and do wish harm on him, they won’t tell everyone that but if you’re close with them they will share it

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Asthma is a very different disease process than covid. Just wrong on this one.

Well she played a key role in the messaging strategy to downplay the danger of COVID, which surely cost thousands of American lives, but I sure hope she makes a speedy recovery so she can get back to work downplaying the danger of COVID as soon as possible.

How is his team this bad at mimicking Trump’s tweeting?

When would he ever say thank you with proper capitalization after an ALL CAPS tweet?

Is it possible they have him in a prone position?

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Situations like this are a good argument why early voting should be limited. Obviously only if easy access to the ballot box is available for everyone.
Besides health crises other facts may come to light in the weeks leading up to the election that might sway a lot of voters’ minds.

Like I don’t want KAC to die, ideally she’d realize the error of her ways and try to correct that. Second choice would be silenced until she can no longer cause mass harm with her words.

But I definitely hope she doesn’t use her words to endanger public health again.

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Meh I dunno, the happy hypoxic people are never truly “happy” imo. They just aren’t whiners. They’re usually still breathing 22-30 times per minute (which is a lot, try it, you’ll get some tingling around your mouth/fingers if you keep it up).

They get oxygen though.

Well, because he’s such a fat ass they’d need some pillows to hold his head up, but yeah sure. They should be rotating him around slowly basically (side - back - side - prone) like a rotisserie chicken


I guess the difference is that they aren’t having physical problems drawing air into their lungs, right? The problem is getting the O2 into their body?

I’m not really someone who is into emotional excess.

The thing that makes me happy is Republicans suffering. They’re already going to be unhappy when Trump dies, so throwing it in their faces at that moment doesn’t add much value. Waiting a bit and making it hard for them to get back to normal is more my style.

If I do anything in the short term, it’s going to be more along the lines of saying mean things about Trump’s family than about Trump himself.

And my point is I don’t care about your personal feelings on what happens to her one way or the other. And I really really don’t care about your personal feelings on other’s personal feelings about what happens to people in Trump’s inner circle.

I’d much rather keep the focus on the right’s hypocrisy.


Fair… Alough I believe @smrk4 case in point is more to do with respecting the office and alough I don’t agree with that, I can certainly see how American citizens can, after all most all Americans are very proud of it regardless of what’s gone on the last 4 years or what’s to come.

Overall I don’t think people should keep this going just to pop in for an occasional dump, come to think about it @smrk4 is still at me for the Joe Rogan stuff so :man_shrugging:

I personally don’t wish death on him, atm he’s in the worst position possible, everyone is talking about him and he knows it, I’d hate to be the doctors.

Hopefully he’s play acting and the worst is still to come, keeping him of twitter and eventually passing power to pence in 3 weeks or so.

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I just want every single person in this administration to get COVID and then let the stats fall as they may. I’m not gonna waste additional time thinking of the specifics.


I’m open to the idea that a good step-mom would improve Claudia Conway’s life, but George Conway dated Laura Ingraham before marrying Kellyanne, so he’s a clear dog to pick a better replacement.