The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)


Some people are definitely online too much, but others might not be if we weren’t in the middle of a pandemic made worse by the current administration and some posters have had limited human contact/normalcy for 6 months.


Think this is fitting


7 but who’s counting.

How the fuck else do you expect me to interpret this:

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Which bit do you think is gaslighting?


This is the part of “Take it Down a Notch” I agree with, since reading a post only to get hit with the WAAF as the inevitable conclusion gets jangling, like dealing with random air horn blasts.


I very much envy my wife, who has been off the grid camping since Tuesday. She’s probably at peak 2020 mental wellness right now.


which part here isn’t about Trump and how can it possibly be about WAAF mentality, where the criticism is actually the opposite here?

but this thread took a turn for the depraved and that’s not my bag. Hard to see some of you guys in the same light going forward.

agreed, we’re only human, IMO its a bit much that everyone on the forum here always has to operate at the highest human level possible and anything less results in people leaving. I mean maybe places exist like that on the internet but someone who has caused untold human suffering across nearly 4 years now is getting what he had coming, karma, whatever you want to call it, and its ok for us to take some joy in it. I don’t see what harm can possibly come from it here.


To be clear my point is this: if a public figure wishes Trump’s death, sends him an insincere sympathy, or does neither - I don’t care. I care about the left not sniping each other for doing or not doing one of those.

I want the message to stay 100% focused on Trump’s hypocrisy and criminal reckless endangerment of the country and the people around him. Watching CNN last night, they got it right imo - spend 15 seconds saying you wish everyone well, then for the rest of the entire segment - just HAMMER away at the WH’s criminally cavalier attitude about masks and social distancing leading up to this disaster.


If my time spent on this forum is a negative for me it’s only because it forces me to confront reality and exposes me to the shitty things going on in the world that I might otherwise be able to tune out since I’m a comfy middle-class white guy with a good job and access to healthcare. Is stressing over stuff that doesn’t affect me personally a healthy thing? Probably not. But I like being informed and I like you lot and I feel strongly about the issues we discuss here so here I am.


One high volume poster in particular specialises in post after post of doom-laden apocalyptic messaging and appears to have posting diarrhea.

Maybe it’s accurate, but it’s hard to see the point in banging on and on about the same thing over and over again.


this part.

Can confirm the pro trump forum I posted on had an RBG death watch thread since 2016 constantly cheering and rooting for her death. Most were young single dudes who didn’t care about abortion, just her pro women positions.

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Gf and her family were supposed to do a few weeks of camping in Ontario this year but werent able to due to covid

Taking smrk’s reasons for leaving as an honest explanation is gaslighting?


Volume and repetition.