The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Well we keep hearing that Trump is losing suburban women. Either you don’t believe that or you do. But if you do, you can’t also believe they can’t possibly be turned off and de-motivated.

I see suburban women in this context as reliably R unless the candidate is uniquely terrible - think Todd Akin or Roy Moore. Trump is in that territory right now. Maybe more attack ads help motivate those voters even more to hate Trump. But we don’t have access to $10M worth of suburban women focus group testing.

I know the easiest thing to slam in the world is Dem establishment focus group testing and I fully expect to get lolled at for it. But it’s like slamming NFL coaches when you don’t spend 1000s of hours studying film. You only have part of the story. Yes they can and do still screw up. But I’m willing to give Andy Reid or Belichick the benefit of the doubt sometimes. Right now based on the expanding lead Biden has built throughout the campaign, I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt. I don’t think he’s pulling the attack ads to be nice. I think it’s strategic.

I also think some itt are thinking purely emotionally on the subject and substituting what will make them personally feel good vs. what might actually be the best move.


They’ve been wishing for her death for years. They were absolutely ecstatic when it happened.

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Well, I also don’t think we want to self-select down to a community that is just members willing to post memes about Trump getting sick. I wouldn’t fault anyone that is uncomfortable with it for taking a couple days off while things are hot but I hope no one permanently leaves over something minor like this.


Can somebody give me cliffs on cassette and smrk leaving?


Neither spelled it out but they implied that people welcoming Trump’s death offends their delicate sensibilities.

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Especially not our brothers in Walrus

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they don’t like the schadenfreude itt


Correct, all these administration ghouls were giddy when RBG died.
This pearl clutching is ridiculous.


I don’t blame them. I feel the same way about Clarence Thomas. I was ecstatic when Scalia died.


I think you’re right, but it is worth repeating that eDems need to be CONSTANTLY reminded not to negotiate against themselves on this stuff. As the eDems rush headlong into High Road Territory, whether Trump lives or dies conservatives will be flooding Facebook and YouTube with conspiracy theories about the Dems poisoning Trump etc etc etc. I dont mind the Dems backing off a little but I also don’t want them breaking out the fainting couches when conservatives turn the shameless dial up to 11 ( or 12 or 13) to turn the situation to their advantage.


Yea, maybe. I certainly find that imagining Trump’s misfortune makes me personally feel better. I also am not convinced it’s such a big deal / such a strategic error to feel (and post/tweet/whatever) that way.

An unsigned memo.

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The point is IMO we should focus on Trump and stop bickering amongst ourselves about this stuff. (As my previous post just threw gasoline in the fire.)

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I’m not leaving. There’s a Walrus going on! But I basically agree with the Forum Needs to Take it Down a Notch thread. Every 12 hours something happens that is the worst thing to ever happen to humanity. It’s draining. And wrong. I think a lot of people harm themselves with the time they spend here.


I’m slightly uncomfortable with it, but I’m also doing it and think rooting for the demise of a national threat is justified. Is it proper to take joy in it? I don’t know, that’s a deep question and we’re only human.

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This is really lazy and dumb. No one cares about Trump ffs.

I’ll have you know I spent a good 2 hours doing things other than refreshing across 5 different sites yesterday. I feel balanced and steadied.


Nice catch, I missed that.

Did you read smkr4’s post?