The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Trump’s sheer panicking has to be making the likelihood of bad outcomes much higher, right?

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100% this.

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Eh maybe. I just think the number of people who actually care and will use it to make a decision are ~zero. Anyone who claims ‘I’d vote for [Dem] if they hadn’t been so mean to Trump’ was never actually going to vote Dem. And it won’t matter, insincere fucks on the right will paint with a broad brush anyways (like the “socialist” label).




As are 99.99999% of this forum, alough its maybe 100% :sweat_smile:

I hope your mum does not have Covid-19 cuserounder and pulls through with no complications & have been thinking about you & her today.

:bouquet::bouquet::bouquet::bouquet::bouquet::bouquet::bouquet::bouquet: Get Well some Mrs Cuse.


People should be more like me and not care about holding the moral high ground.



Maddow went overboard, but whatever. Public figures.

I would totally understand thinking a death watch party for Donald Trump in 2021 after Biden were sworn in could be seen as ghoulish and I wouldn’t participate in it. But now? When he’s still the biggest single threat to the future of democracy in this country? C’mon.


Your pony went out like Stan Chera.


I don’t know why you’re asking me why @cassette is thinking of leaving, but I’d guess for similar reasons as @smrk4 already gave, which were the cue.

It’s pretty fucking bad if the forum repels posters like these.

von Stauffenberg did nothing wrong!

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Have we heard anything about GIulianni? Wasn’t he in on those prep sessions as well?

President Trump released a list of possible Supreme Court nominees not long before the death of RBG. He probably knew that she was going to pass away shortly. I don’t know if there are any tweets or other evidence that Republicans were wishing for her death, but I don’t think its unfair to say they were wishing for her death. I firmly believe they were.


Talking about the “depravity” in a thread about a man who has separated children from their families at the border for years is just lol

The list of things he’s done that are inhumane has to be in the hundreds and some mild posts (not even sure what was posted that was bad?) show something about the character of this forum??? lol ok


wtf is all this hoping whatever dies or not. this thing is happening if we like it or not. having some (dark) humor about it while we get breaking info is probably the best way to go about it. all the high profile people involved are not only evil, but directly responsible for the unnecessary death of 100k+ people.

how the fuck is this even a conversation about morals. to call the people here depraved is despicable behavior.


fuck off with this gaslighting


If those posters want to leave that’s their choice and we should respect it. I enjoy their posts but if they don’t like the environment they shouldn’t be forced to stay. And we certainly shouldn’t cater to a select few and I’m sure they would agree with that.



And you wonder why people are leaving?

To call people here depraved is to invoke one’s inner Susan Collins.


yeah, i am. i think it’s depraved behavior.

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Like Donald Trump knew he was positive on Wednesday and walked into rooms unmasked with government officials and civilians. If he gets back on his feet he might do it again.

A mass shooter kills a bunch of people and someone shoots back. Are we depraved to root against the shooter?