The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Back to the subject at hand: the best people

The doctor clearly misspoke and admitted this to two WH staffers just minutes before he decided to jump out of a window.


Of course they’re full of shit. Maddow said God Bless President Trump - which is basically like saying bless your heart. Some public figures are deliberately releasing disingenuous sympathy and I’m fine with it.

I personally do not care if they are sincere, not sincere, release no statement or w/e. Although I do give out extra credit for stuff like Omar’s statement.

IMO sniping at them accomplishes nothing and takes focus away from where it belongs - 100% on Trump’s hypocrisy and reckless endangerment of the people around him.

It’s bullshit. On this forum for a year people have routinely called every person in the world who supports Trump a deplorable. People have talked endlessly about random people who get stupid prizes for playing stupid games with covid. And when it’s god damn fucking Donald Trump people have gone too far. Fucking bullshit.


Because these kinds of civil norms are the default setting for most people, and usually that’s a good thing. Under normal circumstances we shouldn’t be cheering on the death of people we disagree with. Trump is obviously is a special exception to this and people like Maddow are people who mean well but aren’t adapting to how extraordinary our era is.




Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this. A million hearts.

Are you referring to me?

Cliff is a much better analogy than river - thanks.

We all know the Sun Tzu quote I was referencing right - never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.


Who here expressed their hopes for a recovery?

Or is that the wrong end of the stick?

This - those fuckers better come through.

Donald Trump, who apparently has retweeted “The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.”

Donald Trump, who mocked a disabled man.

Donald Trump, who attacked a Gold Star family.

Donald Trump, who mocked Hillary for having pneumonia.

Donald Trump, who mocked Biden for using a mask.

Donald Trump, who urged the country to take fewer COVID precautions and mocked mask wearers.


can you explain to me why ‘nicest posters are leaving’? I don’t understand the thought here

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smrk4 and cassette have always come across as two really good guys.

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Your post inspired that, yes. If I’m misunderstanding your post, in this thread, please explain. How is this thread taking a turn for the depraved?


Well Jalfrezi hasn’t left, so the story checks out I guess.


True but the appearance of holding the moral high ground may still be worth something. I’m fine with insincere T&P as a counter to “look at them kicking the man when he’s down!” pearl-clutching.

what? I’m asking why they are leaving, what this thread have to do with it (or what you meant by ‘right on cue’).

smkr4 can explain too, calling everyone depraved and leaving isn’t the ‘nicest’ thing to do.

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Idk what some people expected, if Trump got sick did you think people here would be posting “get well soon!”

I am completely morally fine wishing ill on Trump. It will save 1000x the lives and pain it is causing him and those around him.


I don’t hope Trump dies, for strategic reasons. Otherwise, I don’t care one way or the other if he dies because I hate him and his entire family and he’s done so much damaging.

But hoping for someone to die purely so they suffer make me feel like shit about myself, so I don’t do it. I’ve never been into revenge. I just want him neutralized. If I thought death was the only way to achieve that, I’d be rooting for it.

I don’t want anyone else to die because I’m sure they have decent family members. I don’t want to see Kellyanne’s daugher lose her mom at age 15. Nobody deserves that.