The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I’m not going to posting on the forum for a while. I’ll almost certainly lurk, and maybe there will be better days ahead and I’ll reconsider this decision, but this thread took a turn for the depraved and that’s not my bag. Hard to see some of you guys in the same light going forward.

I’ll leave y’all with an election night quip that I’ve been saving for like 2 years, assuming things go well. “Speaking of 300 electoral votes, I hear America is getting a 320 pound mole taken off the Presidency”


You know very well 'm referring to the 70/30 claim because I already posted that, and you’re still intent on being an arse about it.

Go ahead and keep pulling magic numbers from thin air - it’s all meaningless conjecture about a situation we know almost nothing about.

Anyone who ever said or posted anything about how Trump is a threat to democracy or a fascist or responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and now says people should have hopes and prayers was full of shit for the first part.


Yeah, I don’t understand how a DEVASTATING negative ad moves the needle when Trump’s incompetence is on full display. There are rapidly diminishing returns here.

This is the perfect spot for pro-Biden ads that explain how he ran a pandemic response team and is going to not overhaul the ACA and cut everyone emergency COVID checks. Just make him look like a basic, competent POTUS while the other guy is lying in the hospital.


My mother spent a month in ICU in July for low blood oxygen and never once had trouble breathing.

Hopefully you’ll continue to be around. I can see where you’re coming from, but I also think a lot of people in this community are frustrated and exhausted from seeing things always go wrong and being powerless to stop it. Trump isn’t the only cause here but he has been responsible for so much pain, suffering, and death that I think finding some levity in his misfortune is natural and perfectly fine.


So many ballots were thrown in the river though, impossible to drown.


Or the second part. Pretty sure most of the “thoughts and prayers” stuff is perfunctory and insincere.


lol wat? i have no idea what this post mean but if you’re implying that people not being heartbroken that daddy is sick is wrong, you are depraved.


Ok, fine, Clovis was wildly speculating about the 70/30. You don’t know any different though and you act like you have some magic number to pull from thin air. 30/70? 10/90???

Yeah, it’s watching trump’s presidency go off a cliff while the entire nation watches in realtime and people want biden to cut an ad sayign “hey, everyone that’s already looking over there, look over there!”

You and he have been the ones pulling numbers out of thin air, not me.

The offering of ‘thoughts and prayers’ is just Dems mistakenly thinking that holding the moral high ground actually matters anymore. The GOP has shown us that nothing matters except power.

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Can we all just rejoice in the fact that he’s actually tweeted something positive?

(Not mine)

Also, the Project Lincoln dipshits are going to be making exclusively anti-Trump ads because they do not support the Democratic agenda in any way. This is the time for the classic move where the candidate’s official campaign acts respectable while his attack dog slings mud.


You’re a top shelf poster. Hope to see you in a bit. I might dip out for a while too.

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I think most “thoughts and prayers” are FOS, but who would even put on that performance if they believed the first part? Maybe someone who was under pressure to do so, some public official, but for a peon to be offended by the brutality of the posting in this thread while still believing that Trump is an authoritarian wanna-be dictator who we can’t trust to leave office peacefully and who has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths is inconsistent.


And, on cue, the nicest forum posters start to leave.


Yep. Like my mom has been awaiting the results of a COVID test since last night, in the rest of the developed world she’d have known 14 hours ago. She’s been crying almost the whole time. Why doesn’t she have a result?

Largely because Trump and the GOP have tried to suppress testing and didn’t want to spend enough to get good, widespread, rapid testing.

Sorry, my thoughts and prayers are with my mom.

210,000 people have died and untold more have long term effects because Trump and the GOP have denigrated masks and said it’s just the flu. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims of that.

Families were ripped apart at Trump’s order and Melania made fun of it to trigger us. My thoughts and prayers are with the families.

These people perpetrated a deadly lie on the American public that caused hundreds of millions to take on additional risk of contracting COVID-19, including my father who went to his bowling league indoors with 50 people and took his mask off and thought it was safe.

Now these monsters are getting their come uppance and I’m supposed to be sad? Hope they do well? Not be glad that perhaps their come uppance will get people to be more careful and save lives? Not be glad the monsters are getting what they deserve

Oh and these stupid decisions and lies have also jeopardized our national security and global stability, but I’m supposed to feel bad for them?

Nah, sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with the vulnerable and the victims, and I’m rooting for whatever will save the most people from the most harm. My only wishes for Trump, Pence, etc are that the line of succession functions smoothly if it is needed.