The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

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I know a lot of people are saying Covid is a bad guy and has done some terrible things, but who doesn’t sometimes root for an anti-hero.

tenor (1) (5)


positively negative.


It is still really really really likely that we lose this. But the average age of the Republican caucus is like 150 years old and this shit is spreading like wildfire. If a bunch of them drop dead or literally get to sick to travel to the senate, and he just doesn’t have the votes, it becomes a math problem, not a “how evil is mcconnell” problem.


Holy hell. I cannot describe my love for the person in this video.

Interspersed with all the monstrosity of the past few years is just mountains of incredible resilience. I think there’s a real chance that the Trump era of the GOP has awoken a dragon of pissed-off young people who won’t forget about social and environmental justice just because the injustices inevitably (post-Trump) grow less-public.

No guarantees. But I believe in this generation of youth.


It’s like that scene in A Beautiful Mind where Russell Crow goes up to a girl at the bar and says, “Can we just assume that I’ve said whatever it is I need to say in order for you to fuck me?” And then she decks him.

Scott is like oh…was that the wrong answer? I meant to say I was negative. (Is that the right answer?)


One of the all time biggest purveyors of Medicare fraud doesn’t know negative is good and positive is bad?

The GOP never ceases to amaze.

So trump tweeted out “we’ll get through this together”, right?

Q is saying together = to get her = he’s taking down Hillary.

No, I did not make this up


First good laugh of the day lolololol

He was probably trying to make a fraudulent Medicare claim by filing a false positive report. Old habits are hard to shake.


Your pony didn’t make it up either.

#RoseGardenMassacre is though


Cam Newton pozzed as well. Sounds like free money.

Batista gets it.


At this rate, what are the odds we lose at least one of these old and now infected Republicans? This is a lot of people :astonished:

I really hope that someone asks some version of “Is he on hydroxchloroquine? Why not?”

Note to narrator: Even if they confirm he is not getting it now, once Trump recovers he will claim that he got it at some point and that it was a yuuge game-changer that saved his life.

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Well we know Grassley can’t get it because he refuses to get tested.

If he hadn’t taken that hydroxy last time…!