The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Will kinda killed my hope trump is doing badly. But still the no tweeting or more phone call interviews or video interviews makes me know he isn’t doing great.

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Covid is a slow death if you don’t throw a big blood clot unexpectedly


I like this meme it’s funny.

The honest response to “McConnell can’t change the rules because of rules” is disgust. At this point it is pure gaslighting and intellectual fraud. It’s indefensible to make this argument.

I have as much respect for Qers as people pretending the rules will be followed.


While that is right, I think if they force her through after losing the election, it will make the argument for court packing much more compelling. The optics of a lame duck President and Senate appointing a justice for life will look horrible and should give D’s all the cover they need to add a few more justices.


What’s to stop Pence from snap nominating his own veep successor and Moscow snap confirming him though?

Narrator: they rammed her through in the lame duck, and the Dems did not pack the court.


Lol probably booker, he ran into a burning house and saved people a few years ago.

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CNN reports that the GOP senators were having in person lunches with the entire caucus a few days a week. No masks because they were eating.



Veep needs to get confirmed by the House. It’s different than other appointments.

If they have to, the R Senators with coronavirus will walk into to vote while coughing all over Ds out of spite for not helping them out w/ rules changes. They literally need to die to be stopped. Pure delusion ITT.


Right? This. It’s why his doctor saying he expects Trump to make a full recovery or whatever is absurd. Chris Wallace came out on Fox and said folks this is just not based on facts. We have no idea how bad Trump’s infection will be until it gets worse or he recovers. It’s too soon to know.

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Can we stop with this idiocy that everytime we have fun with unlikely scenarios someone has to chime in and explain they are unlikely?

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And this fucking outpouring of sympathy for the poor sick politicians and demand for civility from the “fuck your feelings and your masks and your hoaxes” people all of a sudden truly make me want to punch someone/something.

I realize that cheering on death is super bad form but screw these people each and every one.


Crazy that Trump really does love the economy so much that he’s willing to die with every other now-dead COVID victim he burned up as fuel for the economy. I thought it was all GOP propaganda, but when the POTUS walks the walk!


I legit did not know that

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Me either

It’s unlikely they will stop.


See this is the type of content that would be great for a separate thread on the tragic pozzing of the republican party


Do they call names by last name or states? Ron Wyden is 6’4 but also 71 years old.

We need some combine stats on these people

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