The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

So when does the media start asking who’s actually running the country? Cause it almost certainly is not Trump. Is it Pence or Meadows? Collaborative effort?

Not sure about this one. In that scenario Pence is only acting president. He’s still the Vice President. I think he can still break ties.

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There will be a briefing on Trump’s health from his doctor at 11am, but only a pool report.

Trump has spent the entire presidency tweeting, bleating, and tax-cheating, so I imagine it’s whoever it always has been.


But doesn’t he need a quorum designated as >50? If the Dems stay home then no go.

They can establish quorum by unanimously agreeing 51 are present without counting, someone has to be there to object.

The elite play is to hold off til 11/3, Dems sweep the election, tell Mitch that if he stops the Barret nom that they will take court packing off the table. Then in January be all “just kidding you chinless motherfucker, there’s 15 justices now. Do something bitch.”

Dems will never do it but I do dream of such a world.


So if i understand correctly we need to be down to 48 republicans and then have one democrat demanding a count.

Sounds fun

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Quorum is 51, so 49 GOP + one Dem = 50.

Or I guess 50 GOP, and one dem who can run really fast.

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No it need to be 51. So 49 assholes plus 1 objector. We need 1 more. I don’t think they vote on quorum other than a unanimous consent to ignore it. So would Murkowski object if was JUST the current 50 healthy republicans. I don’t think so.

The Return of $750

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the main one i was waiting for

did not disappoint


RoJo from Wisconsin is a great nominee. Recent purveyor of Hunter Biden bullshit.

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Pence can’t count as one for the assholes?

Am I missing something here? Don’t republicans have until January 3rd, when the new Senate is sworn in, to get ACB on the court?

Schatz? Synema? Booker?

We’re just trying to get past the election, for numerous reasons.

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Thanks for that info on remdesivir. I had no idea that drug took 5 damn days minimum to administer, and only learned that it was IV-only earlier today.

Ya but cutting down on scouts equity for elections shenanigans seems important

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