The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Would be an… interesting… time to call the entire Senate into session in person to nuke a rule to slam through a justice who’s intro event was the super spreader event causing the government outbreak.


Ya but collins and murk will vote for it because why wouldnt they

And possibly Manchin as well, so Mitch still has some room to maneuver, but not much, because the positives keep coming and it’s only saturday.

Manchin ain’t voting for shit, neither is murkowski.

Not voting for a rule change to allow remote voting? I disagree. It won’t be framed as “to rush Barrett’s nomination” it will be framed as “to continue the functioning of the senate during this pandemic.” It would actually put the dems in a tough spot.

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I dont know about manchin but i’ll bet that murkowski vote to allow remote voting if it comes up. What will be her reasoning not to

So assuming the reports from the WH are true about Trumps condition (lol me). Trump isn’t in the hospital because he is so sick he needs Remdesivir and this antibody tx (I have no knowledge of this new one). He is in the hospital because he is POTUS and gets all the shiny new drugs, and the hospital is the only safe place to get them. Remdesivir is a 5 days IV course for acute care patients, Donnie may get the 10 day (typically done for ventilator patients) if he is still symptomatic after 5 days. Expect at least 5 days in the hospital regardless of how he is doing. Over 5 days and he is symptomatic, but I don’t think it means he is in critical condition.


I’m not going to write an essay, but Manchin has not shown himself to be a traitor to the dems.

I mean if they want to call back 87 year old Chuck Grassley, 86 year old Richard Shelby, 85 year old Jim Inhofe, 84 year old Pat Roberts… For an in person vote during a major government outbreak…

Because it would obviously be a substantive vote for something she opposes. If people want remote voting they can vote for it after deliberating the issue in 2021.

Quality political system you got there.

They need 51 senators for a quorum. Voting for a rule change to keep the senate functional seems like a non starter when McConnell doesn’t bring any bills to the floor anyway.

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Yeah, this is Mitch’s bigger problem.

Oh so if they lose one more and the democrats don’t show up they can’t even bring it up?

Holy shit. They’re down to 50 healthy Republicans. But someone has to object and call a count then leave before they get to his or her name.

They can unanimously agree they have a quorum unless someone orders a roll call vote to confirm it.

The problem is that in this scenario they wheel Tillis in wearing an isolation suit.


And if Trump dies, the GOP loses their toe-breaker vote!

Well, it’ll be a hell of an image to point to when we pack the court.

Or if 25A is invoked.

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