The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Ignorant question, but is there some protocol that will allow Moscow to run a senate vote by phone/video or does he have to get all 51 votes in person?

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I’m not sure (and maybe a lawbro will chime in) but the 5-4 pod this week talked about how the Senate’s duty to provide “advice and consent” is extremely vague in terms of actual detail and requirement.

I believe the process of senate confirmation we are accustomed to is more of a norms and conventions thing, rather than a completely set process.

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There is absolutely nothing that could happen outside of Washington being nuked that would prevent McConnell from getting Barrett confirmed.

And even then I’m sure he would figure something out.

It is pointless to speculate otherwise.


Well, 2020 …

He needs 50 votes, not getting 50 votes could happen in a variety of ways.

zero chance short of actual end of the world asteroid style.


Does he actually need 50 votes, or just half of the votes of the senators present?

Or Scavino is on Level 2.

We get that he’ll get her confirmed. I’m asking about the logistics which seems like something that can be answered if you know the answer.

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Doesn’t he need half plus one of all present? So if Murkowski stays no and the rest vote yay it’s currently 49-48 in favor.

However Judiciary is now locked 10-10 and that could slow it down as long as it takes them to nuke that norm. Slowing it down past 11/3 is the first goal here.


He needs a majority of votes, not 50 votes. It’s an important distinction since these sidelined senators are not no votes, thye’re just effectively abstentions.

I agree that slowing down works in dems favor because at this rate some of those republican senators may be dead after 11/3.

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From the 538 link it seems that remote voting can be done if they change the rules so i assume they’ll change the rules…


They can’t change the rules without a majority vote though. This is where McConnell fucked up back in March by not doing what the house did. Like I’m sure Collins & Murk will vote to change the rules, so he still has some room, but not much.

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So good.

Yeah but Henry’s last day as a wiseguy was spent muling drugs and cooking dinner. Trump’s last day will be spent in a hospital.



Need a majority of in person votes to change the rules. Can’t vote remotely whether it’s ok to vote remotely.