The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

How in the hell does Barr fade this thing?




That old woman talking to Barrett must be pretty nervous rn.


I am going to lol pretty hard if it turns out that Barrett was patient zero, having not truly recovered and is actually now spreading it to everyone, and had literally any lesser ghoul been picked the whole administration could have been saved.


A Typhoid Mary of Nazareth of sorts. Her summoning borne out of no legitimate means, the dark angel descends singing the siren song of life, corralling the enchanted into tight quarters to unwittingly accept the demon germ spawned from an immaculate infection.


100000% trump is getting the best, proactive care using all the experimental treatments. All things he discouraged or dismissed. And he’ll recover and be revered as a god.


While indeed lol worthy, it doesn’t make sense that an asymptomatic superspreader would have been sick for more than a month.

What are the odds Trump was patient zero? The timeline matches.

Some interesting timeline stuff on CNN you can play around with to see whodunit:

In general you test positive a least 3 days after catching it. 2 days is rare. 1 day is unheard of. Presumably you’re contagious once you test positive.

At 4-5 days is usually when the first symptoms appear.

Both of these sure put the Rose Garden as the super-spreader, and then maybe Trump pozzing everyone in the debate prep room. Or possibly Hicks.

But patient zero should have been showing symptoms by Tuesday-ish.

We don’t know nearly enough. We know that there are asymptomatic spreaders. We know that people can be infected for months. We don’t really know how long asymptomatic carriers last. But, here me out: she’s one of the only new people to spend significant amounts of time in close quarters with that circlejerk.

I mean, it’s probably not her, but it’s not impossible.

Paula White cancelled events Wednesday.

But keep in mind the window on incubation is like 3-14 days. 5 is the average.


Right but that circlejerk is full of people not being careful. Any of them could have gotten pozzed at any rally, or campaign event, or Applebee’s, it doorknob licking orgy.

Given you can be contagious like 48 hours before a positive test, this was always a matter of time. Plus they were using inaccurate tests for a while. Sooner or later someone was going to thread the 48 needle and set off a chain reaction.

Question for the doctors:

Trump is orange. If he demands to be treated with colloidal silver does that mean he’ll turn brown?


You are not wrong, and I grant that she’s still a longshot to be patient zero. That said, these same people have been similarly careless for months on end. It’s exactly her introduction that is the trigger? She’s one of the only new people to that bubble in this time frame.

That’s true, but now many times have they been this drastically careless? Big outdoor event, a bunch of indoor events, hugging and such… The sample has to be pretty small, especially with the indoor meetings with lots of people unmasked. Typically those would just be with the people getting daily tests.

Most of the time he won’t bother replying. No means you’re fucked.


Hey guys remember last week some time when Trump got pozzed?


Tulsa. Other rallies perhaps. But also, you were blaming trips to Applebee’s among people in the inner circle, and maskless meetings among that inner circle happen daily.