The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Basically it comes down to how elitist you are.

DO schools are way easier to get into than MD schools on average. So from that you can draw your own conclusions about the average ability of the individuals. But they largely get similar training in medical school and residency, so there is no reason a DO can’t be a perfectly fine doc.

Also, at this point it doesn’t really matter who is primary care provider is. Now the specialists are calling all of the shots.


This is correct thinking. Press the advantage to maximum effect. Anything else would be pathetic.

for those trying to keep track


He needs new ads telling people to mail in their ballots ASAP or whatever.

“Donald Trump is in the hospital, sick with Covid. You need to use your power to choose the next president. Mail in your ballot today.”


Yeah, bad idea. The title was legit.

edit: ok, title good now.

Only on Magic cards will you find that level of death-bringing sorcery.


Yesh, this is some Typhoid Mary level shit.

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Yeah bad title was my doing, I changed it back.

or next week


This is begging for a Vince meme, but I’m not going to be the one to do it.

Someone on CNN made a good point that it’s not even about respecting Trump or whatever, we’re in a national crisis. We’re having conversations about the line of succession and isolating people to protect the stability of the government. People are scared. Now is not the time to run ads that might cause even more fear.

Also, someone pointed out that the second l in “well” in that last Trump tweet is actually a capital i. Odd.

My mom has a UTI, and remains stable. No word yet on the covid test, or the lung CT scan and abdominal MRI. Hopefully it’s just a UTI that caused all of it and we can go from there. We expect to get word on the imaging tonight, but probably not the COVID test.

My Dad is going to be allowed to drop a phone off and they’ll take it to her, so hopefully I can talk to her in 30 minutes or so.


It could backfire and become a disadvantage though.

Now you’re thinking like a Dem!

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Being evil is an antibody towards bad things happening to you, not a comorbidity.


Most of the benefit (if it exists) is reported for patients who are on oxygen and suffering from symptoms but not yet in critical condition or intubated. The bottleneck in the real world is supply so treatment is reserved for those most likely to recover. Since Trump is President they’re just going to give him anything that he asks for and/or that might help.

Also yeah DOs are fine. Trump should be under Dr Oz’s care imo

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Entirely possible he’s asking for the good stuff, applicable or not, not the bullshit he was feeding his base.

I think Trump’s somewhere in the 10YR5/8 to 10YR6/8 range. Might be a closer color on a different page…