The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Oh I was going for human history. Considering the stakes involved (the leader of the free world) and numerous forewarnings and chances to escape (advice from scientists, public health experts, and the best medical experts who have ever lived) I would think this jumps to #1 but maybe I’m forgetting one.

I’m honestly really curious if somehow Trump will, at some point, tweet some sort of conciliatory message. Not necessarily apologizing and saying he was wrong, but something milder like “this is serious stuff, folks, wear a mask and follow the guidelines.”

He’ll probably just continue to be asshole when he recovers.


Well he certainly got his wish.

This is the first I’ve heard of a positive Unstuck household member.

My brother had it back in March. He’s still not 100%.


Do you live with your brother?

A lot of these people get tested often since they do before being near the president and now they are all positive in the same 2 day span…they got it from trump who doesn’t get tested

Likely last Friday/Saturday at the events with trump, tho some maybe during debate prep on the weekend.

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Nominees are breathing

Winners are not

If that helps.

Full transparency: never got COVID tested (this was NYC in late-March, when it was hard to get a test unless you were dying in a hospital) so no positive test, but later got a positive antibody test.

But we already pretty much knew what it was after 4-5 weeks of difficult/painful breathing and extreme fatigue.


they serve at the pleasure of the president.

My son is pretty upbeat.


None of these people can win a Darwin Award. They all have children.

The same librul shadow assassins that Hillary hired to kill Seth Rich.

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Fuck man, hang in there.

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Nope. I see what you meant though.

The rate of symptom onset for Trump seems normal to me.

Heard on the radio that Melania’s symptoms are less severe than her husband and remains at the White House.

The idea that negative test=not contagious seems ingrained somehow. Absolutely not true since I don’t think anyone knows what a contagious level is. Plus some activities like singing and forceful speech may send more out and some individuals may be more prone to shedding.

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As the self appointed sole member of the official committee, we IGNORE that detail. Otherwise what’s the fun?

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That isn’t one of the actual rules.

No idea how the antibody cocktail works in terms of time of treatment. It seems like earlier is better but haven’t seen the data.

Iirc there is some pattern where the upper respiratory stuff is early and then the patient may feel better before the heavy lung symptoms kick in.

Give his health Id conjecture he is probably at higher risk for some of the clotting related issues. I’m sure they will monitor him very closely.