The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Definitely not joking. I was watching The Boys and walked 9 holes of golf. These threads are moving too fast to even try and keep up.

I don’t care if it’s ghoulish. I hope he dies and burns in Hell*

*if it exists


Or McConnel and Graham are in on the charade. I wouldn’t put it past them.


It’s not at all uncommon for the POTUS to fly to Walter Reed. Gotta say, it is odd that it’s taking him this long to get on the chopper.

I think they’re waiting for the sun to go down.

I wasn’t criticizing your post. I was just using it as an opportunity to lecture those who wish death on people who are no longer dangerous. Like Kissinger. Or people serving life in prison. Or to those who wish unnecessary pain. Like torture. And of course its me. The guy who sent you a PM about Sue.

Man if that’s the case then it really isn’t good.

Because at that point, he won’t know what’s going on.


this is first and hopefully last time i have ever hoped for someone to die.


Imagine they actually did hire David Blaine or something to create the illusion that he comes out, gets in the chopper, it takes off, etc.

Fuck, that’s not gonna happen for another hour or so.

Man when the books come out about what’s going on in Trump’s bedroom right now…

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David Copperfield would show him in the White House, put a curtain in front of him, yank the curtain away, and then BAM! He’s instantly at Walter Reed.

They’re deliberately upping his chances of dying. Everyone’s sick of this ■■■■■

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CNN reporting that Senior republicans privately confiding they have no idea what is going on either and are just watching the news like everyone else.


Looks like the WH photographer popped outside again.

What if he’s already incapacitated and they’re invoking 25A before wheeling him out?

I was thinking the same wrt how Ivanka/Jared & MM staring each other out

“We are now putting the president in a casket… A reminder to our viewers that this is all an illusion!”


At least they are finally admitting it. Progress!