The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

LMAO this cant be real


Perhaps his handlers are intentionally recommending shitty treatment to kill him off in order to save the GOP in the long run.

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I tried to stop myself but ended up posting this on FB.



Brian Williams speaking on MSNBC saying the WH needs to make this all public as its our president, saying this is our house, the people’s house.

I’m going to have to issue another apology tomorrow morning now. Damn.

CNN saying there are journalists and photographers waiting on the South Lawn

I did wonder about that possibility earlier.

I mean, he’s a massive prick and a pain in the arse to work for.

ABC also encouraged doctors to come clean with a news conference. We’ll see. We at least need to know if he’s capable to perform his duties, and if not, what are they doing about it?

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But Trump was quick to keep China out for over 6 months now. WHO always said closing borders wouldn’t stop the virus

CNN has a live distance shot, from a few blocks away, zoome din.

love mad men, but not sure what this is referencing?

Yeah, it appears the tweet was deleted.

Wtf are they waiting for? Take him already.

I gotta say - Guttfield is pretty good. He always has the winning mountain of BS for the moment.

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Dying to own the libs


After Roger’s heart attack Bert Cooper calls him in to meet with Lee Garner / Lucky Strike to show he’s ok and he has another heart attack during the meeting.


Man…this is good drama. He can’t just walk out to Marine One maskless and alone.

Chopper looks to be in no rush - is it all over?