The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)




You know when there’s a drunk laggy moron running over the table and being obnoxious? All night long they just get there, or get folds. Then there’s like 200bb in the pot and 400bb behind and they’re heads up on the river and first to act and it you just hear…

I’m all-inCALLLLL!!!

Just the snappiest of snap calls. This feels like that.

He’s definitely going to. I still don’t believe they’d do this in broad daylight like this. This is staged. He’s coming out and waving.


That’s the right play.


Yea probably waiting til 6 pm so its on all the news.

How would one tell?

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Unfortunately I think you are right. God I hope we are wrong.

Well so much for the he can get better treatment at the WH than at a hospital theory.

If he snuffs it the hospital has a morgue and the WH doesn’t and we would all see him carried out on a stretcher with a blanket over his head.

The bastards for denying us the pleasure.

This is how I saw it

Wrong about what? He is heading to the fucking hospital to be held there for several days. Whether or not he walks to the helicopter, he’s in really bad fucking shape if this is happening.


However, this is the stupidest, most incompetent administration ever, so who knows.

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Remember when Boris went to the hospital it was just out of an “abundance of precaution” too…

Yeah, Nate Silver just tweeted that.

It’s possible this is a stunt, but it’s hard to see the way today has unfolded as being the desirable optics for Trump.

It’s hard to imagine he is lucid right now, and in any sort of shape to function normally.

Geez, yesterday he was basically fine and giving interviews. Today he could be in serious trouble. We’ve seen this lots of times with this virus over the past months. How quickly it can hit some people.


I don’t think Trump would ever willingly make himself look weak. This is not a stunt.


No pool cameras to watch him board. (Tweet didn’t populate for ImJosh)