The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Or it has the opposite effect. They might see voting as a form as paying their respects. That includes those who might have stayed home out of laziness, not wanting to vote for the prospective loser or just being a little bit sick of his stick.

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No, your not wrong with the information you have, it took BJ over a week after the positive test for him to goto hospital then a few days later he went on a vent.

It’s looking like he’s had it for around 7/10 days…

Another factor is his abuse of substance as you may think it’s them that’s causing you to feel bad.

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TBF, probably a pain in the ass to move specialists and equipment in and out of WH security. Also, they may want him in a negative pressure room. The logistics of a sick president in the WH don’t make much sense. Better to move now than later if he gets worse.

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i’m trying to say this since last night - he is passed the fuckkkkkkk out. none of these decisions are his

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Hell, for all we know he’s not conscious. Maybe he never woke up today.

I get that vibe strongly. Last night’s tweet also was definitely not written by him.

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Yeah I’m super bummed I never really got to enjoy this, been worried about fucked up scenarios and this helping Trump the entire time. Like him and Republicans just run too hot and dems are too incompetent that somehow, some way, he’s going to come out way ahead from this. And if he dies, then Pence will fucking win because Dems killed Trump or celebrated his death.

presidential betting on Betfair are suspended currently (they were suspended last night when the news hit)

His doctor’s statement said full recovery earlier I think. It sounds like they are completely winging it and reacting to his worsening situation. I’ll wake up tomorrow to him golfing or some shit.

I guess we’ll find out when he gets into the chopper if he’s conscious or not.

Can you stop this sensible bullshit. Today of all days.


the fact that they already stated he will be hospitalized for ‘a few days’ is by far the most alarming piece. He is the president of the united states. that’s literally not a thing you can do unless he’s in serious condition imo.

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It’s taking a heluva time to get a doppelganger in there


I want to hear this from riverman.


Why are these embedded tweets showing a weird time for me ( 6 hours ahead of California time? )

Not that you’re really sklansky, but I’m going to answer as if you are. I don’t care if he dies or not, I just want him to not be president. And dying right now is better than waiting to see what happens in the election.

and by alarming i mean erection


Probably there’s no room and anyway we already have Walter Reed.

It’s hard for me to gauge how much of this is Trump really going downhill and how much is standard stuff you do for a head of state out of an abundance of caution. By far, the most conspicuous thing so far is that he isn’t tweeting.