The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Random dude is saying no sign this treatment works - based on clinical trials.

this is such a good tweet


Seen more photos of physical contact between Hope and POTUS in the last 24 hours than I have of POTUS and FLOTUS in 4 years.

Wouldn’t they already have a hospital type room set up in the White House bunker?

I mean if trump ends up on a vent, yeah they are invoking it, they have to. There are parts of government that wouldn’t work otherwise.

Anyone else think this chart of the S&P 500 today looks suspiciously like Trump on his death bed? Coincidence? I think not!


Sanjay was on CNN just now saying that while obviously they have a good medical unit, there are definitely things they don’t have. It’s not an ICU, they don’t have advanced imaging, two examples he gave.

But guys I was told that Trump is still asymptomatic? :thinking:

Well obviously the President is not around other patients. His point was Trump has tons of other health problems and the time it takes to shuttle him to the hospital if he worsens could waste critical time. Also they can’t monitor him how they should.

currently watching Twitch as tweets and news keep trickling in :smiley:

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3 months is about the amount of time elapsed where the hive mind always tries to rewrite reality, when memories have faded and the exact sequence of events gets a little fuzzy.

In 3 months you can gaslight them with tweets like that because their memories are like goldfish. But of course all liberals are celebrating right now. Why wouldn’t they?

I’m just really thankful the left leaning voices are all saying the words that we should be, it provides a little cover.

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Well I guess we’re going to find out very shortly if Trump is capable of walking to the limo/copter or not.

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No, that was asymtatic. Totally different.


Ummm itshappening.gif?


Can’t rule out this simply being Part II of his physical.


Pence still at 8 cents on Predictit

how does invoking the 25th work? Who needs to be there? All I know is that time in the West Wing where Abbey Bartlet staged a coup and Toby was angry as fuck