The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Actual doctor on MSNBC saying its indefensible that hes not in a hospital.

Is this guy reputable? He appears to be at Harvard Medical.

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Why would he be in a hospital? A hospital is a terrible place to be when you’re sick. Unless he needs a level of care that can’t be provided at the white house (unlikely) he should definitely be at the White House.

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a hospital is where poor people go to


Omg these takes from random doctors based on no information.

I’m not an expert, but I have to assume the White House has some pretty darn good medical equipment.

Edit: I remember from the Boris Johnson COVID-19 watch, there was some pretty…conflicting reporting. I’d take everything we see in the next few days with a gigantic chunk of rock salt.

My current wild-ass speculation is that Trump’s team has convinced him that he can get a bunch of people to give him sympathy if he lays low and plays this up a bit, especially after a pretty tough week of polling. He loves attention, so I’m guessing this is the 74 year old narcissist version of vaguebooking “on my way to the hospital now…”.


Better than the plumbing?


FFS it’s 11pm here and I dont want to go to sleep :fearful:

Wow. There’s a couple of words for what I meant. Cool. I got another one that I hear in sports broadcasts. “Partially deflected”.

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Jman opined that Trump’s death would flatten turnout among Dem voters, but I assume it would hurt turnout among the MAGA chuds.

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Need more random people on Twitter telling me he’s going to die

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come on at this point literally everyone in politics have been exposed to coronavirus.

Non-zero chance = chance

partial herd immunity = not herd immunity


Jesus I think I just thought of the Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man:

  1. Trump barely recovers just in time to make a few sick-looking appearances just before the election. Looks like he’s going to die soon.
  2. Low energy from the left plus thinking it’s in the bag = 2016 all over again.
  3. Trump makes full recovery within a month, goes on to destroy our democracy.

I’m really glad for stuff like that maddow tweet because in 3 months when they start whining that liberals celebrated trump getting covid, we can just link tweets like those.

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