The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Quite a bit lower imo. His weight is not that excessive for his age, so the 2-4% survival rate for 70-75 (I think that’s about right) would reflect lots of people in his general physical condition.

The mini-strokes could be a significant boost. And he eats like crap.

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This has been the most exciting day of my life in 8 months. Thank you all for the amazing contributions.


This is optimal. Trump unable to make public appearances for three weeks, then being hauled out in some controlled environment and looking like a shell of a man a week before Halloween, would be best.


whenever there are 5 minutes without a news update tweet i think i should probably get off the couch and do something today and then i just dig in buckle up and refresh


Honestly that was like 50 years ago so I can’t remember. I found this article, though, which consists of Kudlow being amazingly wrong about the pandemic:

Feb. 25, “US has contained the coronavirus and the economy is holding up nicely”

June 22, “a 2nd wave of coronavirus cases isn’t coming”

July 8, “It’d really be a big mistake to take a step like another shutdown”

July 22, the economy is “much much better”… the day before another 1.4M Americans filed initial jobless claims.

Correct, noted cokehead Larry Kudlow is always wrong about everything.


Quick google is 40%+ of people above 60 are obese. Whatever the survivability of COVID is for higher age groups, a lot of obesity is baked in.


You know Trump is shitting himself right now.

He knows it’s real (we have the tapes) and could well be the end of his life.

Add in that he can’t do rallies or golf for 2 weeks and he is simply miserable.

Hopefully he recovers in time to get blown the fuck out in the election.


Need more COVID


Nah, he’s not a micromanager. His campaigns have always been an unorganized mess that just happen to work. That won’t change.

christ i had a big meeting this morning so i knew this news was going to fuck me, and then the rest of the day has been busy as hell, been catching up over the last hour or two, i think my head is going to explode, going to need to sleep for hours, really need a fast forward button to Nov 8th or so.

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“Trump is a fascist and Putin’s puppet and worse than Hitler and also we must hope and pray for his speedy recovery” - someone who does not believe the first half of what they just said


Liberals when a state with a substantial Black population has a COVID outbreak vs. when a rich powerful white guy has COVID


i’m 97% sure trump is passed out since last night

This sounds like something the Autobots gave to Wolverine to give him his healing powers.


Even the best outcome for Trump leaves him missing 1-2 absolutely critical weeks of campaigning.


Things weren’t much better 40 years later when Pres. Garfield was shot. His physician repeatedly rooted around inside the wound with unwashed fingers to try to find the bullet, which likely led to Garfield’s infection and eventual death after 11 weeks of misery.

Lister’s theories about germs and sterilization had already gained traction in Europe, but were ignored here in the US.

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I’m not convinced the tweet announcing he’s positive was him. Was the Hannity interview pre-taped?

I think it was live.