The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

They infect animals with COVID, get serum from them, and inject the antibodies into you.

Hey, I can finally hear Biden finish a sentence


Everything we know about the disease would suggest that is the case, but Larry Kudlow.


When is it normally used? What are the risks/side effects?

He might have had this for two weeks. We don’t know.

The fact that the WH is putting out sober-sounding communications about it means that Trump death chances are probably in double-digit territory.

I don’t so much care if he dies or recovers. I do care what 2-3 weeks of uncertainty does for his campaign, ongoing mail-in voting, fund raising, how fast various rats scurry, more leaks, etc.

Trump is a melogomanical absolute leader. If he’s not barking instructions the troops are lost.

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Damnit, you’ve convinced me.

  1. When we ain’t got anything else.
  2. Potentially an immune response to the antibodies.

My understanding of it is that there is really no risk, but it’s not clear if it really works.

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Today is the day Joe Biden became president. This speech is excellent for this moment.


Yeah that sounds right.

Larry Kudlow, 1993:

There is no question that President Clinton’s across-the-board tax increases on labor, capital and energy will throw a wet blanket over the recovery and depress the economy’s long-run potential,

Larry Kudlow, 2007:

Despite all the doom and gloom from the economic pessimistas, the resilient U.S economy continues moving ahead quarter after quarter, year after year, defying dire forecasts and delivering positive growth.

Larry Kudlow, on 2008:

We are about to enter the seventh consecutive year of the Bush boom

Larry Kudlow, 2020:

Trump has a “very moderate case” of coronavirus


Didn’t Kudlow have a great quote right before the market tanked in March?

Isn’t he already at like 20% given his age + weight?

Please don’t post this.

(Note: this isn’t directed at the forum in general, just Riverman)



This White House is now at the intersection of The West Wing and The Wire.

They’ve turned the White House into Covid Hamsterdam.


Pulling for very sick for the next month but not dead. Don’t want that variance


The Scott Atlas of economic policy.

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