The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

If he has a cough he’s still breathing though.


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Pro sports is showing you can get still work around covid if you have a rigid protocol and stick to it. Lol Repubs forever and always.

Biden talking live on CNN

If he had it last weekend and knew and was hiding it though things could be happening this fast now.

Again, and I guess I’ll eat crow if I’m wrong about this, but it just doesn’t get that serious that fast. The people who die of this die of pneumonia which itself doesn’t develop usually for several weeks. This shit starts in your throat. To go from debating on Tuesday night and looking fine to death’s door on Friday is just unbelievably unrealistic.


I get that you don’t go from zero to dead in 4 days. And I thought very differently about this just 6 hours ago. But for this WH to be putting out info regarding high fevers, fatigue, medical treatments, etc., I think is a meaningful sign of how serious they think it could be.

Obviously he has access to the best care, which is a huge advantage.

Experimental therapeutic treatment? Like putting the disinfectant… under the skin… and the UV lights… under the skin as well? They were looking into this, yes?


It does if you descend rapidly and have a massive stroke.

This Biden speech is elite.


Maybe @Will1530 can help us out with polyclonal antibody treatment?

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That place leaks like a fucking sieve, we would have heard it. Also, I’m sorry, but he was an asshole on Tuesday but he looked and spoke fine, and did not come off as someone who was freebasing tylenol and advil to suppress covid symptoms.

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Don’t believe everything we will hear in the coming days. There will be enough reporters or sources trying to seem important by making things up.
Additionally, people rarely die quickly from Covid. Most deaths occur 3-4 weeks after infection after spending a lot of time on ventilators. Trump will get the best healthcare available. Odds are he’s very,very,very likely to survive this.


They don’t die fast but things can go from mostly fine to hospitalized real quick.

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i might get carpel tunnel from scrolling this thread. this is goat twitter day


You’re definitely neglecting that Larry Kudlow said Trump will be fine, and Larry Kudlow is literally wrong about literally everything.


I don’t doubt there exists a decent chance that Trump croaks in about 4 weeks, I mean it’s a deadly fucking disease and he’s old and in poor health. There’s just no way he’s on death’s door right now.

Point taken.