The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

so many people have WH sources in the last 12 hours

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I think the President of the United States can find someone to write a tweet for him…

assuming trump is at the very least on a daily diet of 50 diet coke cans a day, just taking melatonin without caffeine will send him into a week long coma.

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Wow, I honestly didn’t expect this to escalate so quickly. No way did I think we’d be getting reports of high fevers, cough, fatigue from the WH and sources today. I was brushing off the “well, what happens if he dies” stuff this morning, but now I’m intensely debating myself as to whether a dead Trump is good or bad electorally for Dems.


It would be good, nobody cares about Mike Pence.


dead trump is good for everyone


“Would you pull your mask down…”

Moscow Mitch just now to a reporter in some press conference.



Anyone know the last photos or video of him?

On March 26, 1841, William Henry Harrison became ill with a cold after being caught in a torrential downpour without cover. His symptoms grew progressively worse over the ensuing two days, at which time a team of doctors was called in to treat him.[11] After making a diagnosis of right lower lobe pneumonia, they proceeded to place heated suction cups on his bare torso and to administer a series of bloodlettings, to supposedly draw out the disease.[12] When those procedures failed to bring about improvement, the doctors treated him with ipecac, Castor oil, calomel, and finally with a boiled mixture of crude petroleum and Virginia snakeroot. All this only weakened Harrison further.[11]

Initially, no official announcement was made concerning Harrison’s illness, which, the longer he remained out of public view, fueled public speculation and concern. By the end of the month large crowds were gathering outside the White House, holding vigil while awaiting any news about the president’s condition.[11] On the evening of April 4, 1841, nine days after becoming ill,[13] and exactly one month after taking the oath of office, Harrison died; the first U.S. president to die in office.


You guys are killing me here.

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He had a series of mini-strokes a few months ago too…


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Folks, things are moving VERY quickly.

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Some salsa from the Texas Hill Country should clear those sniffles right up!

FNC focused very intensely on whether the 10/15 debate happens, whether it happens virtually, etc… JFC. Dude might be on a vent in 48 hours.



He’s not going to die. Some of this stuff is sensationalist, the virus just isn’t that quick. People don’t die so fast from it. I think Regeneron is normally reserved for bad hospital cases, but he’s the president, i could see them making an exception for him. He’s not on Remdesivir yet. If he was at like “hospitalized bad” he’d be getting Remdesivir intravenously as well.