The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Lol y’all are soft. I hope he dies and it’s painful.



Seriously though, if there are sealed indictments somewhere and he’s sworn out, can someone nab him if he’s laying in a hospital bed? If that option is legal and they don’t do it then seriously fuck everyone. “Rules are rules.” “Law and order.”

Yeah… revise that wording please Sean?

So the PCR test should be back in a maximum of four hours according to Twitter, and he took it no later than 9pm based on the timeline. So he should get a result by 1am EST, right?

Maybe the plan is for this to be used as an excuse so Trump can debate remotely with a hidden teleprompter.


Two weeks is what I heard.

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Doesn’t matter what the test says for like 3-5 days, right?

Well it doesn’t matter if it’s negative… He could have been exposed by Hicks 48 hours before she tested positive. So he could test positive tonight.

So I’m actually in a text chain with a lot of well connected people in newsrooms, high up executive branch, as well as Capitol Hill. I’m just a schmuck but know some people that aren’t.

The “speculation” I’m hearing Is as follows:
-They knew Hope tested positive more than 24 hours ago
-Trump is tested instantly all the time, so having been exposed this heavily would have definitely spurred an instant test
-Trump would see a quarantine as a sign of weakness especially if it took him away from a rally which he wouldn’t agree to do unless he had serious concerns

I’m not thinking that any of these sources have heard directly about a positive test. However, they are connected enough to potentially know more nuance in how this is unfolding that their conspiracy theory is more compelling.


Let’s keep it within reason plz :crossed_fingers:


I’ve seen a raging narcissist physically deteriorate and it isn’t pretty. If he has it and has symptoms, buckle up.


Pence up to 4c on predictit

Biden up to 66

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This is actually a really fucking amazing scenario. The only thing I would want after the “who cares” part is that he actually recovers, gets hit with a HUGE medical bill, and goes home thinking he has it covered but the IRS has already taken all his money.


This right here is the money ticket. I want to be able to properly celebrate when the earth is no longer stained by the orange asshole taking up oxygen. If that happened before Nov 3rd I’m not sure there’d be nearly as much celebrating with all the uncertainty and election anxiety.

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How incompetent would you have to be to be the president of the united states and get infected with COVID? To even be at risk is mind bogglingly stupid.


melania on tape saying fuck christmas and fuck the children and fuck people who care about children is my new happy place


Utterly horrified, which was the only correct response.

Maybe you mean how do we feel about bin Laden being dead? That’s not the same thing though.

MN hit dark blue too

some of the states haven’t really moved and somehow I’m still getting random fills in like Vermont

I have this addiction to just take the stupid free money sometimes when I could’ve just maxed out like Minnesota a few days ago.