The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)



I believe it’s:

I really don’t care, do u?

But I like the current one.

The Muslims were all dancing in the street.

Don Jr.

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I’m probably just getting towards the end of my night but I don’t get it?

If you’re not a fan of the tone here and need fewer death wishes and more nuance…

I have an Aaron Sorkin meets David Lynch meets M. Night Shyamalan fantasy film noir episode of West Wing that I’ve been holding back for awhile. Trump gets corona, becomes quite ill and incapacitated, and, as such, he’s temporarily sworn out of the office of the presidency (unbeknownst to the media). But there’s a problem: Mike Pence died fucking a horse. So they scramble to find Pelosi and secretly swear her in instead. However, she immediately installs an AG who calls an emergency order to the Rocket Docket. That court unseals a trove of indictments and arrests the entire Trump organization and associates within the hour–except Melania. She and Hope Hicks begin dating and open an Onlyfans where they fuck each other’s brains out for $29.99/month.


Biden campaign kicked out reporter who was on Airforce One yesterday

That’s what Trump said on 9/11.

I truly believe you would see people in the streets celebrating in dozens if not a hundred plus countries.


So does that mean you think we will be having a week long block party or not?

And likely some Roman Candles firing off in my front yard.

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Sending positive thoughts his way?


I assume the White House called a full lid hours ago, right? Like they will get a test back tonight in all likelihood. Will they announce it?

Seems likely they would immediately announce a negative, but might try to hide a positive.


I’m hearing some… let’s call it “informed speculation”… from my sources that Trump uses instant tests, that he tested positive and was convinced to quarantine awaiting results of the more accurate long test.

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It was a joke that Don Jr. would say that everybody was celebrating even if they were not. But ummm, if you want a serious answer. I’m breaking out my zoom tube, which has a bowl large enough for a dime bag, and popping one of my magnums of 2009 Cristal. And Roman Candles.

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Of course not this cannot happen in America because.

Ok. I’m trying to be more empathetic to Trump’s plight. I hope he has a case that he ultimately recovers from but spends significant time on a vent. He watches the election results from a hospital bed and suffers the biggest election defeat in US history. He ultimately recovers. Who cares what happens next.


one mother fucking time


So would you say Lean Positive or Likely Positive?


I want him to recover enough so that no one is deterred by his medical condition to have mercy and avoid trying to throw his ass in jail.