The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Would be the lamest excuse ever.

You mean with Trump winning another election?

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If you do this with your dogs it works.

Uh, I’ve heard.

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Insanity, all these small things will add up quite bigly :confused:

This is not a small thing. Where is this?

Holy fuck. Maybe I’m naive but is this real?

I believe those are not the official ballot applications. They are copies anyone can send in anything they want. Supposedly people will also get an unbiased one from their state.

That said who the fuck knows in red states and why is this legal in the first place?

Yeah, I doubt that’s the official one she requested from the government. I’ve received absentee ballot applications from groups trying to get out the vote, applications I never requested. The applications are perfectly valid. I’ve never gotten one from a pro-Trump group, though.

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Yea, one of the factcheck bots went over this when it first came out, but I can’t find it because that thread has been on fire the last few days.

23 posts were merged into an existing topic: Trump tax returns leaked for realz

Exactly. He literally claimed this when he first ran, and his supporters roared with approval.

And in fairness, the one unquestioned core competency Trump has is to game the system to the absolute limit.

It’s as much an indictment of the unfairness of the tax code as it is his unethical behavior.

Biden should come to the debate with a big grin on his face and a copy of his tax returns.

Tax returns stuff threadworthy and excised.

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Trump paid no federal income tax 10 out of 15 years.

Your pony is a tax cheat.

I honestly don’t get it. There does not appear to be anything that bad in these tax returns that wasn’t already known or assume by basically everyone. Maybe trump leaked it himself since it fails to include any Russia ties.

The greatest film-flam man in history though.

Can you imagine debate prep at Trumps team! It would be so awesome to see.