The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

I’ve got a live shot.


His supporters think he’s a billionaire and not a tax cheat.

Wow CNN literally comparing Trump to Goebbels on live tv right now!

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Trump paid more to porn stars in 2016 than taxes




We are still drawing live to a massive the emperor has no clothes moment here. Duh it probably won’t matter… But something will eventually. This is the biggest heater I’ve ever seen from a :fish:.

Would have been better with Whoppers


“Actually, scratch that.”


Biden should demand that they both enter and exit simultaneously on long ramps.

Biden jogs to the stage then stands there waiting. “You can do it Donnie, one foot in front of the other little buddy!”

There’s a Grand Mac?! Oh ffs!

Replace the debate with a push up contest. It would be more entertaining and have the same amount of influence on our decision in November.

Trump’s push up preparation

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Showing him not being a super rich successful business man is his biggest fear. When he did a roast he said the only thing off limits was his money.

Dude is TERRIFIED of people knowing he’s basically broke. Lots of us predicted thats why he didn’t want his returns showed.

That said I am surprised there isn’t a bunch of shit showing he was laundering money for russian oligarchs. I thought that was a lock.


Even Trump knows not to take notes of a criminal motherfucking conspiracy.


Pee tape then. Cause there’s definitely something.

The thing that worries me is this is massive motivation for him to go full on cheating. If he loses he faces criminal state charges ( I doubt he would go to jail but he might not ) plus massive lawsuits on top of all his debts. If he loses he will go completely broke.

Trump is going to go ALL out on cheating and my god I hope democrats are prepared for that. Paging narrator.


Odds that trump ends up living in Russia, snowden-style?



Yeah I had a friend tell me they were still using tiktok and I was confused. Looks like banning it will get delayed until after the election. Hopefully we can get legislation to fuck ALL social media who sells your data.

Dems should absolutely break up facebook under anti-trust because they’ve gone full blast trying to turn him into a dictator. Top 10 evil company right now.

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Decent chance, but I think its more likely he stays here and just grifts the absolute shit out of his moron supporters. They will pay ALL his legal fee’s 100% and keep him from living in a tent. But still he won’t be rich like he was.

Would be hilarious if he ends up bankrupting all his supporters as they punt off all their retirement money trying to save their godking.

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