The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

He hasn’t suggested they both get a test as far as I’m aware(?) - just Biden.

Nope he said he would get tested too.

ah ok thanks.

Of course he was certainly lying. :grin:

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Make him whip out his mushroom dick and pee in a cup live on the debate stage.


I posted this before but joe should show up with a lab tech to take his blood on stage and have his nose inspected.

Then he should distribute copies of his taxes.

The he should run up and down a set of stairs and then finishing chugging water from a 1L bottle.

“Your turn bitch”.


I think Trump is using it as an excuse so he doesn’t debate. He’ll have a press conference saying he wants to debate but Biden is drugged up. His base will eat it up and it will be old news for everyone else by Wednesday afternoon.

no way, i think he legit loses voters if he doesnt debate. There are certainly people in his camp that are expecting him to destroy Biden in the debate, its small but its nonzero. His whole thing is macho bravado, if he backs out, he looks weak.



Fuck that. Don has so much shit that can be thrown at him. The trick is to do it in passing.

Here, I’ll make your comment better:

It’s like the teacher’s strike episode in The Simpsons. Sure the general sentiment of the statement will piss him off but he’ll really get pissed about the purple monkey dishwasher part.

Yea I guess. But deep down, Trump is a coward.

Trump is just planting an excuse for losing the debate, just like he’s making excuses for losing the election.


yea i think this is more to whats happening
( twitter | raw text )

In fairness it’s much easier to sell during a 10-way primary or whatever, and Joe sucks at multiway debates.

Part of it is probably hearing loss. I’m horrible in group conversations with more than 4 or 5 people.

this dude just creating days and weeks and months for whatever group he feels like he needs to shore up support.

Tump is down by 8 nationally and in every swing and some not so swing states. He needs the debate and he’s definitely doing it. He was asking for more debates.


I’m looking forward to College Educated White Women Day, which will piss off non college educated white men and lead to their own week.


(To be performed by the same doc that claims Trump weighs 230 and is the fittest president to ever serve.)