The Pozzidency of Donald J. Trump: Typhoid Donnie's Slow Hypoxic Demise **Sweat Thread** (updated 100x/minute)

Thanks. I think that Get Mitch one was the one I was looking for.


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I know you guys said don’t do it but I just donated to Amy McGrath the max legally allowed contribution of thoughts and prayers


Hot take: The only thing you accomplish by donating money to high profile political campaigns is making the fund raising, marketing and PR firms even richer.



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16 posts were merged into an existing topic: POTUS BOWL 2020: please no more smoke jfc

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For my sanity, and the sake of my relationship with my wife and daughter, I am adopting @simplicitus’s outlook on the election.

I’ll rejoin the WAAF group as necessary after the election.

Can we get a badge for WANAF that automatically changes to WAAF if the election goes the wrong way?


STATUS UPDATE: sparring with Republicans on the golf forum.

This is far less upsetting than watching cable news / Trump pressers / etc.



Would you mind laying out what you expect to happen?

I think we are all of the opinion here including you that Biden will likely not be leading on election night in the swing states.

Once election night is over Trump will surely move to stop counting ballots asap in those states based on total bullshit, i assume you agree there too.

How do you see it going from there?

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Can you stream it on twitch for us?

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Moved polling stuff to POTUS BOWL

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If Biden outperforms polls in a couple of early states, red and blue, the writing will be on the wall, even for late counting absentee states. Everyone will say that Trump is done and that will skuttle whatever shenanigans Trump is up to (which are more limited than he lets on). His comments about the election are the same as his coronavirus response, his healthcare plan, or peace with North Korea, and his strategy for basically everything else, talk a lot of shit and do nothing. Talking shit is easy, planning and doing things is hard, which is why his whole presidency has been talk shit and issue executive orders.

He’s bluffed 50 times in a row and now everyone is panicked that he’s holding the nuts. He’s holding shit.

(reposted in POTUS Bowl, still don’t understand the demarcation between threads. AFAICT the POTUS Bowl thread was originally for bedwetters to talk shit about Biden.)


So everything depends on what I just bolded?

What if that doesn’t happen?

Florida may tell us a lot on election night. They may get a large percentage of their votes counted before the night is over.

It’s Trump outperforms polls by 2% it will get ugly.

That said, I’m more concerned about understanding probable scenarios than worrying myself into a tizzy about improbable scenarios I can’t do anything about.